Does anyone can tell me exactly how fast can a human runs? I was in total shocked when I read the news of the 100 meters record has been broken AGAIN..I made some research afterwards just to clarify my curious thought of how..roughly..estimation...any kind of the actual capability of a man can have to run in a 100 meters sprint no avail..I found none can really to tell I was left with making my own comparison between us and our sibling.. man vs wild?..sounded like a national geography documentary it self..

Last week, the world of sports was stumped by a new world 100 meter record (9.72 second) set by another fellow many steps he made in a second?..I think..Jamaica is now been recognised as a factory of a world class sprinter record making to over throne the mighty USA.. Usain Bolt, a Jamaican who is using 100 meters race as his personal enhancing method to better his achievement in his favourite races, the 200 and 400 meters unexpectedly ran the 2nd best time in 100 meters history then broke the record in his 2nd race..which was not attempted.. with the height of 6-foot-4..I think it does contributed to the pace he's got currently.. it was 0.2 second better than his countryman, Powell's record of 9.74s..the big question now fast these men can run?9.50 second? or lower than 9 second?

So! Who would be competing for the wild?....I bet most people knew that's the might cheetah..
bukan thunder cat yg katun k.. according to several studies made..cheetah can reach speeds up to 70 mph..over 100 kph?
(1 miles = 1609.34 meters)..well cheetah is the fastest on what or who is the fastest on the air? is it Superman?!.. it's the Peregrine Falcon..sound familiar ah..when flying this bird can reach speeds..varying 110 - 440 kph..I think it can catch up with one or more of those F1 cars..See how fast a man can run compared to cheetah below....
yea yea let me catch you.....but pls do run slowly....bcuz as u know i like it slow sometimes....hehehe..
i know lady...let me be gentle to u...hehe...i know u love it gently..
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