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Thursday, 23 December 2010

11 years away vs 11 hours in Sandakan

I'm now officially about 11 hrs in sandakan..the town where i grew up..i did not have many expectation but upon arrival i notice the used to be famous 'mamak' restaurant has gone favourite was opposite the legendary Wisma is now Restaurant Zakaria?? Since when si Zakaria ada restaurant di Sandakan..although the name and concept has very much changed i was tempted to try their foods..Habeeb was my favourite due to its steam chicken rice and fried was an utter dissapointment when i tasted Zakaria's fried mee..where did they learn to cook fried mee with oyster sauce..sorry but i did not even finish the food..too much oyster!

Later the day..I went to an actual habeeb and tried their fried mee..I guess they've changed the recipi as well after all it has been 11 years..Habeeb is no longer a favourite..sorry pakcik habeeb...

1 hour before dinnerIi drove to SRK Sg Manila and SM Bestari Elopura formerly known SMK Elopura but i wasn't able to go inside due to school holiday and their gates were locked.Ii could see from a far both have completely transformed..there are few new roads being built but i could only use the old roads I used and familiar with..

Tomorrow is going to be a tiring day..going to drive around to my known places and hopefullyIi wouldn't be dissapointed..hehe..

Friday, 17 December 2010

Farewell 2010 and Season Greetings

8 days to Christmas and counting...most people are excited about Christmas but for me it’s just a normal day in a Calendar every year...the only different is I’d usually be in my home town Sabah..I may celebrate the Christmas with families or friends but this year...I’m sorry I’ll be celebrating Christmas with long-lost friends back in Sandakan...10 years of my life was spent in Sandakan and I had plenty of crazy friends back after 11 years I’m going back to memory lane..honestly, I’m a bit excited about the idea of visiting Sandakan than others this year...the idea of not knowing what to expect is part of the excitement I guess...I’ve heard lot of stories about how Sandakan has interesting places..I could not resist the chances to meet up with long-lost friends as well as visiting my previous primary & secondary schools...I’m game for this!!

Looking back is one hell of a and downs are just part of the life cycle so don’t complain...I’d be lying if I do not have a moment I was worried about my life, career and future but I went through with open heart and huge hope I’d be just fine...I’ve got few highlights of 2010 but let’s just put them into one category- financial stability. I’m not rich as if I receive RM5000 monthly salary but I love to have an idea that life isn’t just about having lots of money or new stuffs...for me being ‘rich’ is being able to support yourself with your own expense without feeling guilty or regret of spending (spend wisely la ba..)

I was pretty cautious about work in the beginning of 2010...most probably it was just because previous year experience but I did quite well...gone through every obstacles as if I do not know what the word ‘give-up’ means to challenge myself to be better than previous year is always the motivation to me although I do not have a ‘to-do/achieve list’ like most people...sometimes I felt I’m just a care-free kind of person and selfish but I love the idea of ‘mind your own business’...I had a conversation over this with a friend and I’m quite sure the friend may not able to digest this huge part of me into practice...I do not care things when they don’t matter and relate to me at all (as long as I’m fine and not disturbed) and as a reflector I will not do things that may affect people around me...fair game? helping others is different if you already knew it's not too much of help but taking care of others due to their own inability to reason life is just a waste of my time...

I do not hope for any big upheaval in 2011 but as always I will do the best of me to get the best for me...I’m pretty excited about my new mobile phone as it is so expensive for me yet due to its features, I believe it is timely to change and it's affordable for me...need to buy instant noodles supply of 3 months starting next Jan 2011..huhu..I’m flying back to Sabah on 18 Dec 2010, at 19:40 and expected to arrive at about 22:30 on the same day....will be in KK for few days before going back to Ranau then off to Sandakan just a day before Christmas also to attend friend’s wedding and etc..I’ll be back to KK for sure on 27 Dec 2010 to attend friend’s wedding and go to Tambunan as final place to visit...will decide in Tambunan either going back to Ranau or direct to KK before flying back to Penang on 2 Jan 2011...

I’d like to wish everyone a very wonderful Christmas celebration and a blast New Year 2011 party!!

May God Bless You

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2010 - RESULT

Ye Ye...that's how proud I am to myself at the recent 21Km PBIM.

I was almost done at 9 Km check point on the Penang Bridge…but I guess it must be God's way of work...

The first 5Km was fine…I just ran the way I used to and when it was about to enter 7Km..I started to feel muscle pain building up on my calves…at this point me, Jew and Brandon were in the same pace and close to each others...I think the cold sea breeze brought life to my legs...haha…the pain slowly disappearing and I could run as comfortable as I can to my liking until I reached the 9Km Check Point on the bridge…Just after I stepped on the BIB detector and few steps forward…heavy rain begun to wet the face of Penang Island…It was heavy as water from your bathroom shower!!! Not even 1km afterwards, my muscle pain came back and it was definitely made me worried...I tried to control the pain but it became every runner worst nightmare …both my legs were cramped… I tried to fight it by walking on it and stretched my legs down a little bit but it wasn’t working…when an ambulance came in towards me (there was an aged man carried by 2 guys needed an attention) I slowly walked towards the ambulance and asked for help…I asked if they’ve got pain reliever…no they did not have on the van..I then asked if I could stop the run and hop in…no I could not...If I were to quit..I’ll have to wait at the road side (under the heavy rain) for the shuttle bus which may take few more hours after the run has actually ended…I then decided to stop, stretched my legs and slowly walking for almost 2Km when I finally managed to get the cramp controllable!! Although the rain was still pouring heavily…nasib la..

I continued running slowly and steadily until I reached the next 16Km Check Point…from time to time..I stopped running and just walking but for short distance…by this time, the walking was just making the pain to its worst so I shall not walk too much… I thought I already late for the ETA because both 4 hrs and 5 hrs pacers were running in front of me…I think it was about 4Km to go...I finally got pain reliever and this time I got my whole legs sprayed…thighs to ankle and it did the work pretty good…I could run faster and better although the pain wasn’t totally disappeared…I managed to chase the 5 hrs then 4 hrs pacers and finally to the Finish line with unofficial time of 3 hrs 10 minutes…I slowly walked towards the tents were medals were distributed and collected my Finisher Medal..It was damn tiring!! I could only blame the rain as it made the run more challenging and worse…

I now got the official time of 3 hrs 10 minutes!! Well Done Wel!!! I was 10 and about 27 minutes behind Jew and Brandon…I reckon I lost about 20-30 mins whilst nurturing my cramp on the bridge but I’m happy for being able to finish the run within the ETA…it’s my first time running 21 Km and first time joining PBIM…look forward to PBIM 2011!!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2010

Event: Penang Bridge International Marathon
Distance: 21 Km (half marathon, ETA 3 hrs 30 mins)
Date and Time: 21 Nov 2010, 03:00am

Ba ba wel…siapa suruh kau pandai-pandai daftar 21Km Penang Bridge International Marathon!?

I’m really not ready for it..either stamina or fitness but I know I will not let myself fail this task easily..

The strategy 5Km within 30 mins then walk another 5Km (no time constraint)..repeat the same thing for the next 11Km to the finish line!!!

Visit to watch the live telecast....

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

30's Gateway

I’m now a year older…thank God!

I organised a decent party last Saturday and it was really a happy moment..coincidently, Jew’s cousin came down from KL so it was timely to hang out and catch up with him although it was the 2nd time I met him..few weeks before I bought a BBQ+Steamboat set which uses electricity and it serves us quite right these few occasions we’ve had…very easy to prep as long as you’ve got necessary ingredients ready in your refrigerator…to cut the story short..we had lamb, beef, chicken, asparagus and of course enough supply for beer...I'm so happy I've finally got a full Dragon Ball Collection (Original DVD) and it didn't take long for me to watch it until the end..Tangkiu to those who have contributed!!

sorry picture taken isn't that clear
The day after … me, Jew and his cousin went (drive) to Betong at the Thai-Malaysia border…it took us approx 3 hours to reach the destination due lost of direction…we departed from home at about 11am and arrived at Betong after gone through the Custom-Immigration check up almost 3pm…nothing much to say about Betong as it hasn’t got any tourist attraction for visiting…main objective to be in Betong mostly for socialising..FYI, most people could speak BM as they’re about 10KM away off Thai-Malaysia border…night life is quite alright (Strip Club and Karaoke Pub) but price wise isn’t that impressive…we had a good time there though…went back to Penang the day after and I straight away went to work as we arrived just before was tiring yet a great adventurous journey…

That’s it…latest update sudah tu..hehehe..right! once again, many thanks for all the wishes..cheers chaps!

Friday, 8 October 2010

Rumah Usang

Wow..mimang macam teda update suda ni blog tersinta o kan..hehe..

These past few days or weeks I have been very lazy or it just a matter of time to pen down what’s in my mind kah tu..

Recently I’ve just bought a new baby…new baby that’s going to cost my monthly expenses...I decided to do this after many nights of could be timely for me juga….with new baby it seems like my previous baby has been ignored for awhile…sorry but it just that I didn’t have much time these few day/weeks…too many activities mungkin tapi activity di rumah juga…emm..

Good news is I’m back to my diet regime…no more heavy supper (bulan puasa habis suda) even though KFC is always my 2nd choice after work…yet I could not resist beer…hehe..need to start practicing ni tau before Penang Bridge Marathon 21 KM….betul ba 21 KM??? I do not have the confidence to reach the finish line but it could be one of attempt that may turn to be another yearly activity in the future... I missed the Merdeka Run 6 KM recently due to heavy rain and sikit-sikit sebab moginum lewat malam..haha…

Recently I felt great about my current life…I managed to get things settled… couple of things I had thought about doing this year I have now achieved except winning a lottery…haha… there are many more don’t get too excited but it’s not wrong to be proud of yourself as a motivational..I reckon this is a normal feeling for a man at my age bah kan…yet I’m not satisfied (tamak juga kenen tapi pandai-pandai lah ba) I have been surveying flight ticket to few other neighboring countries to ensure my previous target is achieved…it just a matter of money of course…looking at my availability I was thinking of flying to Vietnam at the end of this month but it’s too ambitious when there are plenty of things to be taken into account of monthly expense now..I could only say 2010 is one of my prosperous year so far...part of it comes from my earliest sacrifices as well..good for you wel!

Few more days will be another ‘year’ to the number…I do not hope for anything grand but I’d be happy to enjoy what’s given…if I were asked what would I wish to have for the ‘yearly’ celebration..I’d say the laughter we share when having a decent drinking+karaoke session…that means a lot than pricy present…I didn’t say I wouldn’t accept though if someone wants to give me a Microwave, 32 LCD Monitor or a DVD player…many thanks la..hehe. buli mau order kek yang cantik dan sedap macam ini ka?Haha!!!
I’m off for another long weekend (Fri-Mon) and I’m absolutely going to enjoy the break after working very hard these few weeks… it is what every each company/management would expects of a senior; dealing with critical issues without affecting your performance..fact is..non-stop of this could really affect your brain...really need more beer this weekend! Wait...October Fest!! Ye Ye...Cheers chaps!!

Kesian ni blog macam rumah usang sudah..sarang labah-labah banyak sudah..hehe..

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Sad But True

You know what...I don’t know what..haha..

Right…I may not blog about my life or shit these few days but I’ve been around reading some other blogs...believe me…I’m not much of a reader but when it comes to blog I read patiently..haha..perhaps online reading is more thrill than book??Who cares kan…bottom line is I don’t read…I used to read a lot of newspaper etc…but not anymore…I’m getting old to read newspaper…Bullshit! I just don't have much time to read it in office anymore like I used to...

I’ve recently attended a leadership course sponsored by company…well it was great…I really appreciated the opportunity and of course I’m now attached to this company….it is not a problem because I’m quite happy how the management has treated and is treating me…few may have known about this..I don’t understand some people like to be ‘Pak Turut’…pardon me...a stereotype person!! Yeah! That could be the right way to say it in English....I’ve kept my hair for almost 11 months and I love it!! Really, I love it and sad but true I have to cut it for the best interest of others…There you go! If only….I wish I could keep the hair long the way I just like it!!! I’ve never been reprimanded about it and nor been advised to do so…but as a good example one must sacrifice!!! I did notice someone has been 'following' me...yeah I’ve saw his picture with long hair yet if he were to keep his hair long why have to wait when the ‘master’ to do it…he even mention my name for an excuse when the manager questioned him for wearing a cap whilst working (cap is not an office attire guy's) so after much careful thought…I decided to do it..I had planned to keep the hair until the end of year 2010…huhu..I wish the person would have copied the other character of me instead of the hair style…does he lack of imagination and self confidence??

I’m not quite happy about it…reason is I dislike to cut hair as much I dislike to see a doctor…within 48 hours..I’m about to cut my hair short…problem is I don’t know what and how should I cut it…I’m not a follower nor a stereotype person…I always tend to create my own life and my own style...perhaps I may opt for something common this tell me…I love my hair to look healthy and fully organized…I could end up with boyish hair cut again as that’s always work great on me..huhuu…

Any way...the whole story is about hair…yes! Sorry but I really don’t like a stereotype person…do and be what is best for you and not for others interest..I’m going to miss my hair a lot..a man has to do what he had to do though…

I'm flying to KL tomorrow to meet up one with Mr Brandon etc to celebrate his girlfriend's annivesary…didn’t have a chance to catch up with him recently but surely will have plenty of time at his home tomorrow..

I’d like to wish happy fasting month to all Muslim in the world…this is the month I really love a lot…I’ve got too many option for foods…happy fasting month!!!

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Time for 100Plus

REALLY?? That was the impression when I looked at the recent electricity bill. Let’s just say it is as expected but not as much as that!!! Si jew kali ni..haha…no worries, I should have known better when I bought and installed the air conditioner…is there an air conditioner that uses coins to be activated just like to pay to wash washing machine? That’ll be an awesome ‘tabung’..haha…

I finally fell sick last amazed everyone in the office and of course it did make my Manager a bit worried…I’ve never really got sick that bad since the beginning of 2010 so that must be timely for me after 7 months…thanks to cold beer, I managed to get it controlled!!! I had a mild flu when I woke up on Thursday and it got worse when I came to work that day…the next day, it was the same plus sore throat and really give me hard time to work…gladly I had an invitation to a belated birthday party cum opening ceremony of a friend’s newly renovated restaurant somewhere in Batu Ferringgi on Friday…at midnight after work, I drove straight to the place and had couple of beers to clean up the ‘dirt’ ..haha…it did work ba…the next day, although I still had sore throat, the sneezing was off…went to meet new friend at Hard Rock Hotel Penang and ended up couple more beers at my colleague’s Rum Jungle Café (a decent place to drink beer with very reasonable price – RM38/bucket; I was given a discount as a token of appreciation though) just before Hard Rock Hotel…I had been planning to come to her place but the place is too far to reach and it’s not rational to drink and drive that far especially now, police road blocks are everywhere in Penang...later that night we went out for another outing…jajal budak-budak sekarang ni tau..kuat betul jalan..haha…we went to one of Jew’s regular karaoke pub (co-regular as the waiter is quite familiar with me already) and it was a great night hanging out with friends coming all the way from KL…lucky I was still in recovering state hence amount of beers was reduced...

Fairly good news…I’ve just registered for 6km Merdeka Run on 8th August 2010 at will be me and Jew with few hundred runners…it’s going to be a fun run so I have nothing to accomplish but I do plan to review my fitness level before I can confidently register for the Penang Bridge Marathon which is in November 2010..I have not been in training mode for more than 1 month but our recent camping trip to Pantai Kerachut looks promising that I can still endure such tiredness and pain…speaking of Pantai Kerachut, we walked for an hour on each journey go and return…it was a fun trip and no alcohol at that time (ada juga lihing tapi anggap saja minum sirap oren)

I might be a little tied up the next couple of weeks (approx 3 weeks) due to lack of manpower…one of the senior staff in Customer Service Dept (UK Office) has had to apply sick leave with unknown duration but most likely it may last for 3-4 weeks…after discussion we decided to work full 5 days a week instead of 4 days a week as we would normally do…not a problem though because there’s always an extra allowance if more days are covered *wink* The last time we had 5 days a week was in the middle of last year…sounds like plans may have to be postponed..huhu…FYI, we’ve got 2 seniors in UK and me in MY thus either me or the other senior (1 in UK at the moment) are not be allowed to have leave during this period until the other one returns…every shift has to have a senior to monitor and’d understand why…

We’re 5 months shy of 2011 and few more month the number is increased (+1) I was watching The Vampire Diaries with Claire recently and I thought isn’t it interesting to be a new-school vampire…we were chatting the differences between old-school and new-school vampires…one that stands out is how this new-school vampire can go out during day with no hesitant at all…you’ll enjoy life more than anyone in the world and you’ll get a chance to redeem or repent yourself after 100 years of doing ‘very-bad’ thing to human despite the fact that vampire sucks human blood…if you have human pet that’ll be just fine…hehe…just a thought but it sounds very intriguing…this is a good timing to make a wish list for the ‘+1’ so people can plan cepat-cepat (saving and surveying) still looking for an ‘original’ DVD of Good Will Hunting, God Father Trilogy and few more…*wink*

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Catching Up..

Ba ok la….semenjak kebelakangan ini jumlah bilangan cicak yang menginap di rumah pun sudah semakin meningkat..mungkin begitu juga la blog saya ni kan…ada sudah sarang labah-labah..haha…

These past few weeks tiada juga yang interesting bah although I’ve just made one of my biggest decision in my life…sikit lagi tu duit dalam bank boleh sudah mahu masuk meminang ni..hahaha..mengkali la…bagus lagi enjoy kalau ada duit dalam bank..haha…

Recently we had a party here at the was nice to meet kawan-kawan lama dan baru…it was great sampai polis datang singgah mahu join..haha..padahal sikit lagi kana bawah naik pick-up polis gara-gara telampau bising…nasihat dia...jangan kamu teriak-teriak kalau malam…kesian jiran mimpi yang bukan-bukan…haha..

I’m so happy that my room is becoming a better place to rest on these days regardless of day or night…the current electricity bill isn’t bad at all..I was a little surprised myself…the different was just well above RM3!!! If this thing going to stay that way…I’m more than happy to enjoy the air conditioning all the far I’d say about 8-12 hours a day so…fingers crossed saja lah..

Damon, Elena a.k.a Katherine and Stefan
New recommendation…download The Vampire Diaries or buy the original DVD…worth watching…although the actor/actresses aren’t as hot as the Twilight’s but the story line kinda nice….the Salvatore brothers (Stefan and Damon) have lived over 140 years (1864) as vampire and they’ve got so many past stories that slowly come to them…the lady who turned them into vampire named Katherine is apparently survived the 1864 massacre although the brothers thought she had been buried alive or locked underground 140 years ago…another lady named Elena (Katherine’s resemblance – mimang lah bah perempuan yang sama) has gain some impression from the brothers because both of them have had an affair with Katherine in past (Elena is Stefan’s girlfriend in current year)…so begitu lah cerita serba sedikit latar belakang cerita dia, macam sejarah lepas berulang…also most probably Katherine and Elena are blood related… the series was first released in October 2009 and the most recent episode (Ep 22) was released in mid-May 2010…can’t wait the 2nd season…Katherine is back for vengeance…what would happen to Elena, the Salvatore brothers and the villagers...Could there be a love triangle…after watching The Vampire Diaries I felt bored watching True Blood..hehe

* Best juga kalau buli jadi vampire moden..buli keluar bersantai di siang hari..kesian vampire dulu-dulu...

Friday, 2 July 2010

Sad to be in love?

A very touching video clip of a very beautiful song

Would you?

Monday, 24 May 2010

Cold Night

It wasn’t my highest priority and not even close to the top 5 priority list this year but I couldn’t ignore the fact that it is a convenience…

After careful thinking...I finally made up my mind...pushed the others to the bottom and brought this matter into real action…I’ve been sleeping with door opened for a few nights…I woke up sweating almost every day…at some point I had to sleep in the leaving room…I just couldn’t stand the heat anymore…

I am now able to enjoy cold night sleep with my new Panasonic air felt great although I feel like I’ve just wasted an amount of money when there are plenty more debts to pay…now I need to reorganize my monthly expenses to make it up…

This is my first air conditioner ever in my life so am sure you would understand how proud I feel about myself… I was imagining if I spent the money on DVDs…I could have achieved 2000 copies of DVDs in a month!!!

I’ve spent more than I should have this month!!! Bought a new air conditioner and flight tickets back to Sabah this June 3….thankfully the fight tickets for a detour weren’t so expensive…well it was RM300 lesser than the usual journey I would have taken (Penang–KK) I bought return flight tickets Penang-KL-KK…I should have bought these tickets earlier!! The usual journey is currently well over RM1000…my mistake so blame me..huhuu..

Now I have to…no! I must cut lots of bucks in June and July to recover…I should be able to do it if things go as planned…fingers crossed and blessing from God…next thing I need to keep an eye is the electricity bill! We are lucky as the electricity consumption at the house we’re renting is way below expectation (perhaps it's an average)…I really hope the new air conditioner isn’t going to cost me ridiculous charges next month…we’ll see...hehe…

Am so going to enjoy my sleep now…imagining buying a big LCD screen for my Desktop and an additional sound system to enjoy movies in my room again! Shit! That’ll be nice…feel like watching movies at to control myself now…hehe..temptation ni tau..

Friday, 14 May 2010

Giant's "Lucky" Experience

I'm not quite sure how to put this...shall I feel lucky about this or it was just another rare opportunity...

I was at Giant Hypermall half an hour ago shopping for some camping stuff...well the purpose was to find cheap fishing gears la...I finally bought a complete fishing gears which cost me just above RM80.00...once I've paid the goods and walked through to the exit I was stopped by this Chindian girl representing Oosis..she joked why I need to walk faster to avoid her as if I was running away from her..I was actually as I really dislike this kinda people who really persistent even after you've said you were not interested...

She then explained that their new outlet had just opened at Queensbay Complex and they're having some kind of promotion distributing vouchers for free...she explained further that I just need to fill up a simple form and pick 1 out of 4 sealed tickets....the vouchers are worth from RM100 - RM2988 and some others are discount vouchers up to 50%....we sat down and I filled up the form then answered 3 simple questionnaires then I picked 1 sealed ticket hoping to get the RM2988 voucher! I got a picture of Oosis Outlet without no details...the lady and her colleageus were wondering what it meant...I jokingly said did I just won your outlet?! That'll be awesome!! One of the guy then came and told me that I've won a 5 years royalty installment from Oosis...I didn't quite get now I was surrounded by 3 fellas....the lady and I believed her senior explained to me what I've just won...I've actually won a FOC products of theirs amounting RM6600 and ready to be installed as well as delivered to me today plus monthly royalty payment from Oosis for 5 years time...Cool!

Apparently there will be another 4 sealed tickets and I have to pick 1 of these...before we go further on these 4 tickets...they explained that every month I will receive a checque from Oosis for 5 years time..the terms are, a picture of me holding the 1st checque with a smile and I have to pay RM6000 to accept the offer..a one time payment RM6000 as an acceptance of the it sounded not so great isn't it! Well nothing is free in this world...let's move to those 4 tickets..each tickets have got a number in it...they are 12, 8, 6 and 3 representing "lot"...they explained that these lot numbers will determined how much royalty payment I were to receive every month...Lot 12(>RM900), Lot 8 (>RM600), Lot 6 (>RM300), Lot 3 (>RM150) their follow up action was showing me pictures of people who have accepted these offers and been receiving their checques every month...the highest amount of money I saw was RM19xx as that person has won the Lot 12...they then explained further about the royalty payment that the amount of money could go higher depending on the accumulative revenue from all outlet in the state where I won...having said that they told me in Penang alone there are about 7 outlets and winners from Penang so far had received well above RM1500 every month....

I was thinking about it over an over again...and decided not to accept wasn't an easy decision and wasn't easy to decline those 4 fellas...the Operation Officer at Queensbay's outlet came down to talk to me hoping I would accept the offer....he explained few options for me...I would have accepted the offer if I'm not in need of money right now...well I've just paid a deposit for booking and installing air conditioner into my room which cost me almost RM1000 (Grand Total) but this will only be available next week though...I was hoping to have it today but they couldn't make it today (workers fully occupied) also I needed money for next coming trip back to Sabah in June...although I have not bought a ticket as I blog!! (mau tunggu RM1000 baru mau beli kenen..ngok punya wel!!) If I were to have a very lucky day and win the Lot would the feeling be to have a checque totalling over RM1000 every month for 5 years coming to you without doing nothing???? Accepting the offer for a long term purposes could have been a great decision but I've had an experience to similar case or scenario..I rather decline such opportunity instead of risking my monthly financial allowances...what an offer!!!

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

3 Decades Life (Almost)

I’ve been very quiet about my career life these days …I was reading my last year’s posts and I thought I had been blogging a lot of my work…my dissatisfaction towards professionalism at work etc…I guess it was due to unsettling environment but I’m glad it all paid off quite well for me…

This year seems to be prosperous for me…glad that we finally found appropriate candidates who are now my colleagues…my main responsibility is to enhance their knowledge, to supervise their work and ensure work performance is improving…although I’ve been getting higher acknowledgment from the management yet I don’t feel like I’m at that level yet…there are plenty of rooms for an improvement...being with the same company for almost 5 years now…is like being loyal to your other half…haha..I could see what I have achieved in those years...I thought of myself being fortunate for the opportunity I’ve been given and that drives me to prove to others that whatever you’re doing…make the best out of it…you got to love what you’re doing or else you’re just a slave earning money at the end of the month trying to enjoy your life…macam pakar motivasi pula kenen..haha..well, I’m not the best person to give speech of career but one thing I’ve learned from experience…never give up…it doesn’t matter what people say about you but it matters what you think of yourself…you got to believe yourself and treat every mistake as another chance to learn to get yourself ready for next challenge…do remember though to admit and accept your mistake…challenge yourself to do things you not good at is one of my best education in life…by the time I review myself for a self appraisal, I couldn’t believe I actually did what I could have avoided years ago….

Perhaps some of my dearest friends have heard of this part of my life…since childhood I’ve always hated English but amazingly every English teachers I’ve known were kind and fond of me (male and female)…mesti sebab saya cute mungkin masa budak-budak kan..haha…my father even bought this English Learning Kit for me but I never cared and always got scolded because I didn’t do anything with it…the kit was full of cassettes and exercise books…I always tried to be a passive student when it comes to English at schools yet the teachers always found a way to get me involved….perhaps it was an advantage of being a cute man-child at that time among female teachers…during my secondary school, I was the ‘green board slave’…I became the English teacher’s secretary to write on the green board…I guess my hand writing was one hell of a kind for a cute-man-child at that time…it was something like a calligraphy..orang dulu-dulu bilang tulisan sambung a.k.a tulisan doctor…tapi tidak juga jadi doctor..haha..I don’t think I could write the same way I used to cause dulu-dulu selalu tulis surat cinta jadi banyak practice la…haha…nowadays we use email, e-card and most common is text messaging to express our feeling...we’ve been modernised!! Shit!! Another reason I could think of why these teachers were fond of me is, my father’s reputation as a teacher (Penolong Kanan)…although I wasn’t into the thing with being the son of a teacher but I’m grateful of being one…hehe…

Having said the above, would you imagine someone like me who hates English as I dislike peanut ended up working with UK based company (UK and Oz based customers)…Bahasa Malaysia becomes the 2nd language…It was very difficult for me when I first joined the company…I was fortunate, the management willing to send me off to British Council Class for 2 continue courses: Business Speaking and English Pronunciation…at first I didn’t care much and thought I was just a lucky bastard but when I was made aware of the cost for these courses (over RM7000) I was more than a lucky bastard!! When I thought of it…it was one of my turning points that made me think of my job more seriously…at that moment I was assured that the company isn’t just a company to hire people but a company who would enhance and shape you to be an invaluable and credible person...neither bond nor contract were signed for me to accept this good deeds from the company…being with the company for this long, one could assume that I have nothing more to learn…well, that assumption is incorrect…I’ve got so many more to learn and the management has been very supportive enough to bring new challenge as per my seniority status…There were moments when I felt depressed (early years) and both CEO as well as the Tech Director approached me and spoke to me as if they were my friends...This has never changed except that the Tech Director had left the company to pursue his own family business…I may be in my safe zone now but I honestly never thought of that way as I have not quite achieved some other aspects…I’m just glad that all this years I’ve never gave up with what I have started….

How long I’m going to stay with the company? That’s one of the question I was asked recently by one of the Manager in the UK…I couldn’t really give definitive answer but I responded by saying something “as long as I’m happy..both responsibility and new challenges...”

Friday, 30 April 2010

Into The Wild

The camping plan was a success…....2 days and 1 night camping trip at Teluk Duyung, Penang National Park
I, Jew and Hendry left the house at about 9:00 24 April 2010 to the nearby coffee shop called “Bali-Bali” for a breakfast…after breakfast, we headed straight to Penang National Park office at Teluk Bahang where most trails start was already about 11:00 when we arrived at the Penang National Park office for registration….at the registration counter, I was told we couldn’t stay overnight at Pantai Kerachut no more…there were already about 80 campers at the camp site and it was more than the daily prohibited number…apparently there was a school program going on there…we were a little saddened but then decided to go to Teluk Duyung @ Monkey Beach…Looking at the trail map, it is about 2.2 Km distance of 1 and a half hour journey….Pantai Kerachut is about 3 Km distance of 2 hours journey…the entrance and its first 1 Km trail has now been developed….well, there was no office and nor trail built (tiles) 8 years ago…the journey began at about 11:30 and managed to reach Teluk Duyung less than the predicted duration…

At Teluk Duyung, there was also a school program going on as well so the camp site wasn’t empty…I think they’ve got about 30 students…we found a good spot to put up our camps as it has great access to the beach, sea and nearby bamboo shelter equipped with decent bamboo shelf and of course a place to do BBQ…it was about 14:00 when we had our lunch…I brought cooked rice from home so this helped to ease the lunch preparation... punya membuka selera lunch ni kali..makan nasi + sambal bilis dalam tin +ikan black bean (touse) + jagung dalam tin + beer…we spent the whole afternoon resting, chatting and did some small chores….we collected enough dried woods for the BBQ and fire at night before it was dark….the night before at home, I bought a crate of beer so me and Jew had already drank 12 cans off 24 cans…the other 12 cans were our main drinking water that afternoon at Teluk Duyung…whilst drinking and chatting, we observed those students making their lunch preparation….they spent hours to cook and finally at 16:00 they’ve finally got their stomach filled with food …there was another group among us at the Teluk Duyung camp site…we realized it was not an ordinary group later that evening when we were resting and swimming in the sea….looking at the flag, it looked like a PAS meeting…a secret meeting??

Just when it was about to get dark, we lit up the ‘ungun api’ I prepared earlier….it was awesome! I have not had the chance to do it as I used to when I was actively into boy scout during my early years…I still got the touch pula...hehe…we took turn taking bath and I really love having bath there…there’s a big gallon of water which was really cold and refreshing…it was night time after we had taken our bath and each of us did what we were meant to do…I did the BBQ, Jew with his instant noodles and Henry had earlier taking care of the fire and charcoal for BBQ and he kept our 'ungun api' to its best….we had instant noodles as appetizer followed by BBQ chicken wings along with our main course of 1 litre Chivas….desert would be dried fish in black bean (Touse) plus cigarettes…prior to dinner we had to go through a panic moment..I’ve predicted it was going to rain but we did not expect it was going to be that scary….Jew had to run for his camp when a strong wind came to the shore...we had to carry all the stuffs outside back into the bamboo shelter especially the BBQ set…thankfully it wasn’t long and we survived the ‘hurricane’…Jew’s camp almost thrown off by the strong wind…it was quite scary being at that situation…those school students were of course panicking and ran to save their own camps…we spent the whole night chatting about life...It was interesting night for us to catch up with each other…discussed couple other personal stuffs with a bottle of Chivas, 2 bottles of coke, some side dishes at a windy surrounding…a nice place to let your mind forget about work…I guessed we went to sleep at almost 2:00 the next day (Sunday)…personally it wasn’t easy for me as I kept hearing this wild/stray dogs wandering around looking for foods….I even heard the sound of bones being crushed in their mouth…the sound of their footsteps wandering around our camping site…I finally managed to get sleep when it was almost sunrise...but had to wake up early as the sun has gone high up heating my camp from the inside….huhu…

The next morning....we had instant noodles for brunch until 3 fellas arrived by boat asking us to empty the shelter for their oncoming customers whom to have a picnic there….we decided to pack all our stuffs and headed back…I think we arrived at the national park office at the predicted time of 1 hour and a half this time….spent almost an hour at the office’s porch...I even took a bath before we headed back home for an actual lunch at 14:00 that day…it was quite a tiring journey but I think we’ve achieved our objective...spending time together out of the ordinary (stay at home)….we have discussed and made another plan in near time soon to really go to Pantai Kerachut and this time we will make a reservation…hehe…

* I look a little darker since my return...

Friday, 23 April 2010

God Willing

God willing I will collect my winning money of RM1.2 million at the end of this week!

I'm so going to enjoy the RM1.2 million for the rest of my life...a nice house of my liking, appropriate car(s) to move around, pay all my debt and of course travel around the globe to see the world we're living...

A very nice dream! Punya angan-angan melampui batas...not a fault to have a dream ba kan..hehe...God willing...

Do you know how irritating it is being phoned in 3 times in 4 days just before 12pm??? I don't mind if calls coming from office or families but 3 times in 4 days?! Are you kidding me??? Do they have a season or something like that to phone people around with 'great' offer?!!

The stories goes like this...Monday at about 11:30am when I was asleep...a Chinese lady rang in introducing herself calling on behalf of CitiBank sub-co with this great deal of offer...rather than paying monthly credit card charges with no benefit, they've got this new deal of paying credit card charges for future saving...doesn't it sound just interesting..I decided to get off my bed and listened to her amount of money will be credited to my CitiBank credit card on monthly basis and after 9 years of doing so, I'll get a cheque of the actual total amount of money I may have paid within 9 years plus 20% interest!!! I refused to accept the offer several times with my reasons..I've just cleared my CitiBank credit card outstanding balance recently and looking into this offer it may not be that bad..yet what's the point of having zero outstanding balance if I start to charge the card on monthly basis for something I didn't use...let's say at this moment it may not harm me financially but shit happens without fine day I may lose to temptation and end up charging the credit card for something I could have avoided...and thinking of 9 years paying credit card debt what's that to be called as great offer?? Although I have said it clearly I do not need it as I find it not helping but the lady kept on with her 'sweet talk' and after careful thought of its T&C..I decided to say the word but I'm so going to cancel within few weeks...the unnecessary charge will then be refurbished into my credit card!!!

Wednesday at almost the same range of time just before 12:00 Indian lady phoned in introducing herself from an insurance company formerly known as AIG on behalf of Reader's Digest....I've expected what she was about to tell me and straight away I said..I'm not interested but she didn't give up..she insisted to explain its policies and benefits etc before I make a decision...I listened to her explanation then at the end of it (after almost 10 minutes) I said I've already got an insurance and I don't need insurance no more...I wonder what kind of training she's gone through, she was so adamant that the policies is way better than most policies out there and it is always better to be covered by multiple insurance....I asked her what's the point of having 2 or 3 insurance if none of these are actually being fully utilised annually...well, few months ago I've received a 20% ROI cheque from one of my insurance provider as I've never claimed anything within its 3 years coverage and am still paying as I blog...did you see the point of having couple of insurance when the existing insurance never even being touched or's rather another burden paying an extra expense every month....I then remembered that I once got an insurance from AIG which I cancelled after 2 months as I didn't think beneficial for me...even if I were involved in an accident or admitted to hospital (touch wood), would you go calling each of these insurance companies claiming for money...yes I would but don't you think it's more convenient to have a single insurance policies that could cover your requirement and effectively beneficial to you and may sound like I were to become an Ah Long claiming insurance money from these companies and get frustrated when the process being delayed...they should have prepared a better introduction and targeted people who doesn't have life insurance at all..something like have you insured you health or family members..if yes or no then proceed with another questionnaire before wasting their time with no win situation prospect like me...this time I was very rude by saying something like I'm not interested at all although the offer is great..I'm covered and don't need to waste money to pay for another one....

Thursday and this time it was before 11:00....surely I was asleep and I had a very nice dream when my mobile was ringing...a Malay man called in introducing himself on behalf of some travel agency company..I didn't remember the company name but I did remember the company is working together or supported by the Malaysian Tourism to encourage Malaysian to travel with great deal of offer for holidays...I lied by saying I've got membership with other travel agency and I love what they're offering me so I'm not interested to have another membership card or deal...he tried to persuade me with its benefit but I insisted that I'm not interested and I've got things to do...he gave up and I went on continue my tidur-tidur ayam...

I'm not sure what's going on if they've got this season pula...3 calls in the same week!!! why not a call telling me that some old billionaire hasn't got heir to her/his money and I've been so lucky to be picked up as the sole heir...why not a call telling me I've been selected as the Reader's Digest grand prize winner of RM750,000.00!!! God willing...

I'm so looking forward this and Jew have already planned to go for a short camping trip at Pantai Kerachut....God willing, others will join to be cloudy and windy so tidak la hangus tebakar bersantai di pantai...It's my day off today and next Monday so I've got couple of planned things to do today or so like...renew my bike's insurance and road tax, shopping for tent+sleeping bag+camping gears, buy DVDs, clean the house, go to car workshop for a check-up...maybe I'll buy a crate of beer for the camping trip as a day-to-day drinking water....we already got a litre of Chivas to help us go through the night at Pantai Kerachut..hehe...

Have a great weekend chaps!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

New Moon 2010: 2nd Quarter

How was your Easter? Did you have great time?

Easter (Friday and Monday) was a bank holiday in UK & Oz so did the office here in, Jew and Joel had a decent seafood dinner at Bukit Tambun (Restaurant Gee Seng) , Seberang Perai on Saturday.....we haven't had dinner together like this for a while, having said that it was timely for us to get together but it wasn't the same as before....we used to go to this place years then with Brandon and Fabian..back then I used to eat a lot...I couldn't remember the exact moment but this year I seem to have less appetite for food....well, I always favour and love seafood...we had crab curry, butter prawns, steamed fish and of course a vegetable...we thought it may cost us over RM100 but it wasn't that extra rice and dish afterward (cost us about RM80) We returned home then we ended the night with cold beers..that's a must!

It was coincident the long break fell at the end of the month when my bank account has got a top-up, I didn't have to wait longer to move my ars and get out to spend on DVDs! I finished up 19 DVDs from Friday - Monday (The informant, Ninja, Astro Boy, Daybreakers, A Christmas Carol, From Paris With Love, Sherlock Holmes, Shutter Island, 14 Blades, The Blind Side, Julie and Julia, Precious, Alvin & The Chipmunks, New Moon, Swordfish, Jackal,Saturday Nigh Fever, There's Something About Mary, Dance With The Wolve and lastly Defendor) Have already watched some of them at cinema but re watched on DVDs felt better and of course the likes of Swordfish, Saturday Night Fever, Dance With The Wolve and Jackal - I couldn't resist to not buying the blue-ray DVD...was looking for many more old movies like Gone With The Wind and Sleepless in Seattle...I'm so going to buy new stock this weekend!

Weeks and months have passed and it seems to be very fast...we're entering the second quarter of year 2010 (following my employer financial year, not sure yours though) I'm sure each of us has had ups and downs during the 1st quarter and I'm quite grateful that I managed to go through with good results at the end of March! Good financial stats, peaceful work environment and good health to start the 2nd quarter...thanks to the never ending prayers (parents) and God willing...I could slowly see myself achieving those targets I have planned earlier this year...about to achieve 1 of them in near time soon!!

Jew in action (Earth Hour)
Bless the Earth! We had another Earth Hour last month and I felt great about my participation (with Jew, Joel and of course Husky) I text some of my friends thought that could spark the spirit a little bit..making it more exciting! Wasn't it exciting to know someone's thinking of you when there's a world event going on?? If only I were working on that day, I would not have felt the excitement, would I? Can't we have a day without mobile/text?? That'll be interesting....Earth Hour at my house was held at 20:00 - 21:30 hours...too early tapi inda apa sebab ada cold beer hair is getting longer; have not planned on cutting just yet...

Wel has just woke up (sebab tu rambut ada belahan siring sikit..haha..)
May you have a great day!

Friday, 26 March 2010

Spartacus: Blood and Sand

It's a new TV show...recommended by a friend through a text message just like this..."wel, bagus ko tinguk spartacus..lagi best dari one tree hill...banyak be'tut' sama telanjang..."

Honestly, I was a little surprise on the purpose of recommendation and laughed loudly...haha...I wasn't quite interested at first but when I was at this one DVD shop looking for DVD, I tried to find its DVDs so at least I could possibly see its cover or a little info but to no home I surfed through the internet looking for information.... it was at that moment I found out it is a new TV show which was premiered in Jan 2010..

Since it is a new series so this is very handy to follow from 1st episode...I began downloading and managed to catch up to the current review...too much niple!!!...haha..the story is about the historical figure of Spartacus, a Thracian Gladiator who from 73 to 71 BC led a major slave uprising against the Roman focuses on structuring the events of Spartacus' obscure early life leading to the records of history...thus the series is a mix of graphic violence of 300...

It is far too early to tell whether Spartacus will a great TV show...

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Jew has a new baby!

I was supposed to have an appointment at 10am but was postponed at was my day off today thus extending the hours to watch Ghost Whisperer Season 5 Episode 1 - Episode 11 (downloaded) up until 6am wasn't a big deal yet I had to wake up before 10am to get ready for an appointment...which I really did but a single phone call at about the time of appointment changed it all...huhu..

I helped Jew to configure his new 'baby' (kaya o ko Jew ada 2 babies suda..haha..)He got his new baby on Monday but due to hardware malfunction a guest had to come and look at it...Jew bought a new baby named Dell (without OS) which was cheaper by hundreds of ringgit..thing wasn't as planned...I figured out it wasn't delivered in a condition it should have been (perhaps it was when it left the factory) I had to call the 'mother' to send one of their specialist to come and check what was going on...I had earlier suspected, most likely there was a defect in its hardware (cooling system) as it shuts off by itself every time when I was working on it, stopping me from doing what I needed to do didn't prompt any error at all!! ...I had performed lots of troubleshooting method as per experience and finally gave up the day after the package was delivered :(

As suspected; a tech specialist came and replaced its Mobo but it didn't solve the problem..he then decided to replace its fan which then resolved!!! It sounded like the package wasn't being properly tested prior delivery??? I have no idea but it does sound like it...spent almost 2 hours to configure its OS, drivers & utilities and installed couple of programs as requested by the owner (looking forward to the weekend kaini Jew...hahaha...3 set saja ba...)

Glad that it worked out well and am sure Jew would be sleeping and hugging his new baby at the same time tonight..haha...I wish a rain would come visit Penang today but it turned out to be just another HOT DAY!!!!! I'm freaking fed up with the weather!!...with my hair getting longer and longer, it's no joke the heat is making me uncomfortable.....thinking of cutting my hair soon? Let's see who's going to give weather or me..haha...the only time I could enjoy cold shower is during morning shower (before going to sleep) what have we done to the world!!! Anyway, the tree I mentioned before is looking way better than others in the got healthy green leaves...masih lagi menyiram pokok jalanan setiap malam..hahaha..mesti pokok-pokok lain jelous..haha...

May you have a great day!

Monday, 22 March 2010

The Funny Dr. House

Not many of us aware that there's another side of the mean character of Dr House Gregory (Hugh Laurie) in the hit US series House...

I've read about Hugh Laurie is actually a British years ago when I started becoming a fan of the hit series House he plays....but never quite sure about him being a well known genius comedian in the UK when he was young...thanks to YouTube.Com (search for Fry and Laurie)! I found couple of his hilarious acts and this is one of my favourite....

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


I have not been writing as much as I used to be..perhaps this is the real me..just a plain quiet type of person…I have been having this thought of applying for another job after over 4 years with the current company…I always tell people that I could only be thinking of migrating to another company when there’s neither new adventure nor skills to learn…yes that is true and I would not dare to say it isn’t good to others who keeps on thinking of applying job interview though…it’s up to them but when it comes to me at certain time for a wrong reason i.e. management isn’t good...colleagues not co-operating or not getting enough support from your superiors..that sounds like an excuse for not being able to cope with life and challenges…nevertheless, the person who talks about this sort of attempt is not less than a person who doesn’t quite understand about having basic survival skills of taking better care of her/himself and surrounding…too much of dream and ambition but nothing for self-enhancement?

Honestly, I’ve had this thought since last couple of months ago and some of friends have heard about it yet I have not made any attempts of doing so..I have no specific reasons for not making the first move though as I believe it was just a temporary thought and I was partially correct on this…I’d love to learn few more new skills if I may in near time though..maybe the time hasn’t come just yet….These couple of days in 2010 had been quite a mess for me…things happened unconditionally…I could only look for resolution to stay afloat to go through the journey…hell to love! It’s not about love/relationship at all…some people have been advising me of staying single for too long isn’t good for me...they may be correct and I couldn’t deny what was advised but I do have my own reasons for not being into relationship anymore…it’s just not fun anymore although it could bring joyful life once you’ve found the one…haha…in fact, I've never thought of myself a lonely person as I have number of really good friends (I could share good and bad with them) we could find love in many different ways though...spending time watching korean drama series the whole day and night with housemates (plus a crate of beer)...hanging out with friends (although me and Jew have started to realized that there are only both us left enjoying drinking beer at every possibilities in Penang compared to previous years) and my utmost passion of having lots of DVDs to watch..haha…having said that, I’ve spread some of my love towards other living thing surrounding me...we’ve been complaining on the hot weathers since the beginning of 2010 and it was a pity to see a tree without enough leaves to be called a tree….every night after returning home from work, I gave it its need to stay alive during the hot weather…although I knew it is not belong to me to pour water or to take care of it but I couldn’t stop thinking either it will survive the weather or will not…every single day at night and sometimes during day…I poured about 2-3 liters of water at its foundation, after days of doing that I could see new tiny leaves started to grow from its dried branches…I was relieved and happy I could at least do this small part of humanitarian to my surrounding…today, after a heavy rain in more than a month, I could see more green leaves as a new beginning…

A friend has moved to KL last 2 weeks ago due to a new career path….about 9 of us had a decent dinner then continued with couple bottles of beer at the usual place (kedai kopi dusun) although the farewell wasn’t grand and happening but it was great to catch up with others…all the best to him in KL…I’ve known him since 1999 when we were in matriculation…we’ve had great times together ever since…in near time soon, perhaps another friend will be moving down to KL? If you ask me, I have no intention of moving anywhere else at the moment as I love Penang as much as I love Sabah (too bad telampau banyak pilak di Sabah makes it less attractive) It’s been over 10 years o….haha...

I’m having my day off today and I don’t really have anything in mind what to do…most likely I will be spending my time doing DVD (old) Marathon….I’m not addicted to DVD but it is a fun way to spend time, relaxing by watching many types of movies…by now I could roughly estimate 1000 DVDs in my possession (not less but it could be more as I have stopped doing the list since middle last year) sometimes watching movie trailers on Astro led me to re-watch my DVDs…this mostly due to inability to remember the exact story line….having a hobby like me, one will not need to waste time wandering in nearby shopping mall the whole day, window shopping (or shopping) then regret the day after (Sakit kaki, salah beli atau kehabisan duit..haha)

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Double Celebration

Hi peeps!

I'm so proud to be me....haha...I did it for a second time..berjogging di awal pagi..hehe..this time it was pretty smooth...bermula dengan larian kicik-kicik seawal 6:45am and finished at about 7:20am...I just love the cold morning breeze!

Alright..everyone must be thinking about having a great time on Valentine's Day or Chinese New Year kan...mood 'mengawan' mesti meningkat ni hujung for me..I'm not going anywhere and will be at home enjoying my DVDs...hope I could buy couple more DVDs later today (fingers crossed kedai tidak tutup la) I have no plan to go anywhere or attending any Monday, it will be as usual for me...wake up and get ready to go to work (but at least I'd get triple pay on that particular day..hehe..) I'm off on 16th, 19th and 22nd though...I've asked the manager I wanted to work on 16th as sometimes I felt, having a day break in between may affect the working mood the next day..but he insisted no....he wants me to take off day without deducting my balance of holiday...nice one!

Tip for Valentine's Day?
On another event, our CEO came to visit us last week...well, he pops in couple of times because he was supposed to be on 2 weeks holiday in Malaysia with his family....we had a meeting and he updated us with what's happening in UK (economy and business plans) After 4 years with the company I finally met his wife...didn't get the chance when I was in UK last time..

I'd like to wish all the Chinese in Malaysia...especially to those I know a Happy Chinese New Year! To everyone...Happy Valentine's Day...I've heard about this rumour of not wearing to those yang extreme pervert...lepak-lepak la di tangga yang ada angin-angin..manatau its your lucky day....haha....yang jantan if you want to join-venture with the kempen jangan pakai'll be good for pengudaraan di musim panas ini..haha...

Cheers and may you had a great weekend-holidays!

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Sendiwara bersahaja..

Punya siok jogging di awal pagi waktu masih gelap-gelap...kepenatan dan keletihan badan mimang terasa...terutamanya otot-otot kaki...bayangkan kali terakhir jogging di awal pagi 2 tahun lepas masa Star Walk 2008...

Saja membuang tabiat kenen..tidak mengantuk sampai pukul 6:30am dan kenaikan perut yang tidak terjaga jadi alasan kali ini....walaupun belari kecil-kecilan di ikuti jalan kaki besar-besaran yang penting objektif tercapai la...membakar lemak berlebihan dan memantapkan stamina...cakap pasal stamina..sepa pernah turun tangga dari tingkat 23 sampai bawah di tengah-tengah malam? hahaha...mungkin malang mungkin juga bernasib baik...saya terpaksa berjalan kaki turun tangga dari tingkat 23 ke ground floor pada pukul agak-agak 2:30am yang hari selasa...entah apa sot security guard tu building office kami dia off semua lift termasuk yang bomba punya lift...try call tidak building manager tidak kana jawab..mahu tidak mahu..terpaksa turun dari tangga...then lepas tu saya terpaksa naik p tingkat 4 balik dari tangga lagi satu ke parking lot..adei...tercabar juga kejantanan otot-otot di kaki la...haha...

Sekarang pukul 8:23am suda..baru mandi...sejuk tapi segar terus eh...pikir-pikir mau pigi makan sarapan lagi kenen ni perut..haha...entah la..this week macam otak tidak berapa tenteram pula...banyak betul pikiran bermain-main di kepala otak...mood pun macam agak suram....mimpi pun ganjil-ganjil membuat hati rindu dan merindui...haha..

Balasannya..pasti shopping DVD lagi la ni petang...hehe...selamat berhujung minggu..bayangkan dalam satu minggu ada 8 hari...huhu...

Selamat berhujung minggu...yang mahu p shopping untuk hadiah-hadiah hari belentain tu bangun awal-awal la...jam 10:00 am buka kadai suda tu..haha..

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Projek Mengecat Rumah

At first we planned to go istirehat di Pulau Jerejak but we ended up re-painting the house…

Well, the plan to go to Pulau Jerejak terkubur sebab lambat buat booking so fully booked la..haha..

We then replaced with re-painting the house…exterior saja la…depan saja ba…

We started quite about and Jew went out for a lunch then singgah sebentar di kedai hardware bili cat putih…18 liter+2 berus cat beroda +2 berus dawai+1 berus cat!

At about 3:20pm…mula mengikis bekas-bekas cat yang sudah pudar dan di makan cuaca then continued with re-painting the first layer….hehe..
It took about 3 hours to complete the task with 3 pekerja buruh….I think the construction worker in front our house were amused at as because they were busy with renovating the neighbour’s house and we were like bermain dengan cat…haha…

Whole body is pain now…not to mention cat sana sini di badan..di rambut…di seluar…macam baru pindah rumah baru pula tinguk dinding yang putih..haha….I think the owner would be much happy to know that we've helped re-painting the house..hehe..

We’ve been staying at this house for almost 6 years (April 2010) and it has lots of memories…at first there were about 4 of us (Me, Jew, Brandon and Fab) and now only me, Jew and Joel (Brandon in KL and Fab has returned to Sabah)…there’s still about a liter left so we might re-painting the back yard as well soon…hehe.

Last but not least…selamat menyambut hari thaipusam and happy weekend! Cheers!

Friday, 22 January 2010

Pure beauty

It was 2 days ago when I watched the American Idol 9 of which Shania Twain was invited as a guest judge…of course she’s got a little wrinkle (who doesn’t) but she’s still gorgeous as ever…she’s hot, cheeky and sexy in her own ways…what a lady!

I think it’s been more than 13 years since the first time I listened to her song and mesmerized by her beauty...I'd never get bored watching her singing…of all singers in the world…I’m not ashamed to say she’s the prettiest of all and still the prettiest..I could only think of Taylor Swift as her replacement…both is in the same genre – Country song…I wonder how her kids look like o….(Imagine Cindy Crawford's son pun considered as one of the hottest teen male in Hollywood)

Up until now…listening to her most popular song “You still the one” always got me thinking (all time favourite)...the lyrics and melody are so pure and fascinating….she’s really down to earth kind of lady I think…so true to herself and I wondered why she’d never got into movies…it could be awesome...what's best about her is...she's very casual with her clothes and make up....that's pure!

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

20 Days 20 Nigths in 2010

Test 1..2…3…test…

Wah…20 days suda inda mengupdate blog o….tidak banyak kejadian mungkin..atau tiada apa yang mau di cakap…mungkin juga teda mood mau menulis atau mungkin suda boring dengan apa yang terjadi di persekitaran terutamanya isu-isu dalam Negara….Sia rasa permulaan 2010 kali ni agak baik berbanding 2009 lepas….bukan mau kasi banding tapi every year..kita buli agak-agak suda what might or could happen kalu awal tahun lagi macam-macam suda kejadian di tempat keja kan…so for me this year…it was just nice….gembira juga sebab junior staff suda pandai berdikari instead of depending too much on me...mimang banyak lagi durang mau improve tapi after 5 months with them..I think they're doing quite good…susah juga young lads ni kan…ada saja free masa untuk curi tulang mimang automatis digunakan untuk curi tulang juga instead of doing something worth for their knowledge enhancement….

My health this year…I think I might get ill beberapa kali…last week I was not feeling well on Tuesday and yesterday I started to feel warm then sneezing…hari ni kerongkong mula rasa-rasa lain suda….macam antibody suda lemah sikit…need to do something la this….need to eat more fruits and minum more beer..haha…

My financial…too early to tell…but I don’t think it would make any different this year..maybe a little tight this year la.….ada beberapa plan dalam kepala and hopefully I can make them all come true la (house, kereta, kapal terbang, bot, perabot and etc)….buy that and this…pay that and this…paling benci mau membayar income tax every month..macam makin lama makin banyak pula tau…I never really care pasal my pay slip as long as I got paid tapi since beberapa bulan lepas…I began to check few details and I found out my income tax getting higher pula tau…mau juga jadi rakyat yang baik berbakti untuk Negara kenen bayar tax tapi kalu income tax almost and sometimes over 10% off net income sepa la buli tahan kan…I need to check with the management la this…sayang tu duit tu tau…huhu…

Husky the bengong….we left him selama 17 hari di boarding place for dog…when we came back and picked him up…wow! I was a little disappointed with the service…we pay RM17 per day for him to stay there but he ended up kurus kering compared to when he first went there… entah la…kana kasi makan kah tidah…when we got home…makan dengan lahapnya..minum dengan ketara inda cukup makan di sana….RM17 per day is more than enough for a man to survive but a dog??

Isu semasa…”allah”….am not qualified to comment pasal ni tapi tertarik di hati apabila isu ini menjadi sangat besar when it shouldn’t…when people ask my opinion on this…I explained to them..I don’t really care…I don’t mind if we couldn’t use it or can use it…I can have “Wel” as a replacement to “allah” if I want not jadi macam sia k…ajaran sesat but it’s in your heart not mouth that matters…if you say your God’s name “Wel”, believing and thinking of your God...would that really make a different…well, I just know that we cannot samakan God to another….but by calling “Wel” as a name to God I don’t think it would create 2 Gods kan…when I read pasal ni over the internet…mimang ada yang bikin panas tapi durang pun manusia…we all banyak kelemahan and until we accept our kelemehan….I don’t think this issue can be resolved…

Today…am not quite well..macam ada tanda-tanda sakit kerongkong suda..huhu…mau p bili beer la ni..nasib lagi hari ni am off…my manager is on Holiday for 2 weeks since last week so every authorization has to go through me if it comes from Penang…today plan mau rest saja sambil-sambil tinguk DVD (marathon)..hehee..

So 2010..things am looking forward to...Schumi is back in the pit lane of Formula 1 race...I'm so excited about this as he's a living F1 legend (he won races and championships more than anybody in F1 history) this could be interesting...since his retirement, I totally ditch the F1 live telecast from my favourite channel to watch but not this year I guess..he's hunting for the 8th Championship and predicted he could do it within his 3 years contract with Mercedes....and of course weddings...May/June..August...Nov and last of course December...December is packed with wedding; my bro, my old school mate and a friend...wah looks like I have to travel back to Sabah couple of times la this worries as long as I could be with them..hehe..a'ight..chao!