REALLY?? That was the impression when I looked at the recent electricity bill. Let’s just say it is as expected but not as much as that!!! Si jew kali ni..haha…no worries, I should have known better when I bought and installed the air conditioner…is there an air conditioner that uses coins to be activated just like to pay to wash washing machine? That’ll be an awesome ‘tabung’..haha…

I finally fell sick last amazed everyone in the office and of course it did make my Manager a bit worried…I’ve never really got sick that bad since the beginning of 2010 so that must be timely for me after 7 months…thanks to cold beer, I managed to get it controlled!!! I had a mild flu when I woke up on Thursday and it got worse when I came to work that day…the next day, it was the same plus sore throat and really give me hard time to work…gladly I had an invitation to a belated birthday party cum opening ceremony of a friend’s newly renovated restaurant somewhere in Batu Ferringgi on Friday…at midnight after work, I drove straight to the place and had couple of beers to clean up the ‘dirt’ ..haha…it did work ba…the next day, although I still had sore throat, the sneezing was off…went to meet new friend at Hard Rock Hotel Penang and ended up couple more beers at my colleague’s
Rum Jungle Café (
a decent place to drink beer with very reasonable price – RM38/bucket; I was given a discount as a token of appreciation though) just before Hard Rock Hotel…I had been planning to come to her place but the place is too far to reach and it’s not rational to drink and drive that far especially now, police road blocks are everywhere in Penang...later that night we went out for another outing…jajal budak-budak sekarang ni tau..kuat betul jalan..haha…we went to one of Jew’s regular karaoke pub (
co-regular as the waiter is quite familiar with me already) and it was a great night hanging out with friends coming all the way from KL…lucky I was still in recovering state hence amount of beers was reduced...

Fairly good news…I’ve just registered for 6km Merdeka Run on 8th August 2010 at will be me and Jew with few hundred runners…it’s going to be a fun run so I have nothing to accomplish but I do plan to review my fitness level before I can confidently register for the Penang Bridge Marathon which is in November 2010..I have not been in training mode for more than 1 month but our recent camping trip to Pantai Kerachut looks promising that I can still endure such tiredness and pain…speaking of Pantai Kerachut, we walked for an hour on each journey go and return…it was a fun trip and no alcohol at that time (a
da juga lihing tapi anggap saja minum sirap oren)

I might be a little tied up the next couple of weeks (
approx 3 weeks) due to lack of manpower…one of the senior staff in Customer Service Dept (
UK Office) has had to apply sick leave with unknown duration but most likely it may last for 3-4 weeks…after discussion we decided to work full 5 days a week instead of 4 days a week as we would normally do…not a problem though because there’s always an extra allowance if more days are covered *wink* The last time we had 5 days a week was in the middle of last year…sounds like plans may have to be postponed..huhu…FYI, we’ve got 2 seniors in UK and me in MY thus either me or the other senior (
1 in UK at the moment) are not be allowed to have leave during this period until the other one returns…every shift has to have a senior to monitor and’d understand why…
We’re 5 months shy of 2011 and few more month the number is increased (+1) I was watching The Vampire Diaries with Claire recently and I thought isn’t it interesting to be a new-school vampire…we were chatting the differences between old-school and new-school vampires…one that stands out is how this new-school vampire can go out during day with no hesitant at all…you’ll enjoy life more than anyone in the world and you’ll get a chance to redeem or repent yourself after 100 years of doing ‘very-bad’ thing to human despite the fact that vampire sucks human blood…if you have human pet that’ll be just fine…hehe…just a thought but it sounds very intriguing…this is a good timing to make a wish list for the ‘+1’ so people can plan cepat-cepat (
saving and surveying) still looking for an ‘
original’ DVD of Good Will Hunting, God Father Trilogy and few more…*
hint ka tu minta kana kasi hadiah? 'kau kasi dlu sy baru sy kasi kau' bilang kita punya conversation tu...wakaka
Jadi kau suka vampire dlu ka vampire skg ni? kalau si billy mmg dia nda puas hati sm vampire skg tu..wakaka
Claire..haha..begitu pula tu kan kita punya perbincangan...haha...ko bg dulu la..haha...
belawan la sia sma si billy kalu kami bejumpa masa mencari 'dara' ni..haha...
Bole bah kalau kau tuh well... hehehe
Rayner..mimang buli la..haha..baru balik dari jogging...habis 5km ni hari..haha..
welo sda tgk inception ka? what do you think?
Sweetie...hi..lama indada kabar..hehe..suda o..I fav in 2010 so far..hehe..
jd ko percaya ka benda2 yg kana mention dlm tu movie selain mimpi berlapis2...hehe
Sweetie..hehe..some la.inda la semua tp mimpi belapis2 possible...someone entering ur dream sound possible jg o..hehe..sia cuba la nanti sia masuk mimpi ko..hehe
iya mimpi berlapis tu mmng wujud yg dia blang 5 mins in real life = 1 jam dlm mimpi betul ka? fiction mungkin kan hehehe...
Sweetie...mcm betul jg ba tu..satu malam ko tidur mcm panjang btl mimpi ko kan..mcm 2-3 hari punya jalan serita..haha...
ya kan...sempat kgi dr stu tempat pi satu tempat yg jauh2....hehehe
Sweetie...sempat ba..haha..itu la indahnya mimpi kita..hehe..nanti kita ketemu di mimpi k mandak..hehe..jan ko p jauh2 tau..susa mau cari..haha..
…jajal budak-budak sekarang ni tau..kuat betul jalan..--->ko ingat ko budak lagi ka wel...30 suda umur ko...haha
Jew..haha...muda lg ba sia..ko tua suda pula kan..haha...
best owh.. tapi, im not a good runner actually.. hahaha
Ned...hehe...inda jg besa belari ba ni tp demi kesihatan kenen..hehe....cuba2 la...for fun jg..hehe
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