Friday as scheduled, we left home at around 7pm heading to the Penang Bridge was a total was a massive jam! imagine cars were lining up at the bridge's we decided to have dinner and for about an hour after we then managed to enter the bridge with lots of almost 9pm we then exited the bridge and began our real journey to Key Hell...we were kind of late as the bash party was scheduled at 10pm...I was driving Jew's Neo 1.3 and maintaining 140 kph (although sometime I went over 150 kph for couple of times) was not really hard..moreover, it has a good-strong-solid engine as well as body for smooth handling especially tackling corners..we managed to reach Key Hell less than 3 hours then stopped some where around the Curve (Damansara) waiting for Mr Brandon to come..he came with another friend of us then went to join others at Bambo9 (TTDI building)....the party was alright, well..the place was packed with people and I was not really in a good shape....eyes were kind of tired due to head lights from oncoming cars from earlier journey to KL.....before we went home, we headed to Kayu Nasi Kandar for a meal/supper...
Saturday at Mr Brandon's house..we had a small reunion party (me, Mr Jew, Mr Joel, Mr Brandon, Mr Alex, Mr Rayner, Mr Cero, Mr Guz, Ms Cheryle a.k.a Mrs Guz in near time soon) Ms Eva and Ms Mandy)..just to catch up with each others...we had a BBQ..4 crates of beer (2 carls and 2 special brew)..few bottles of liquor..but we only managed to finish 3 crates of beer...most of us were tired that day..Mr Guz was badly poisoned by the "Graveyard" on the night before....earlier that evening, we (me, Mr Jew, Mr Joel and Mr Brandon) were waiting for almost 3 hours at a workshop in Puchong to service Ms Eva and Mr Jew's cars...whilst waiting, we met 3 sabahans (Penampang) waiting for their car to be serviced..coincidentally, 2 of them knew Mr Brandon through their cousin...overall, the party went smooth and it was a great small party...
Sunday....we went to Lumut, Perak for the Paku's show at was held at the TLDM village, opposite the Bernama complex..other than Paku, there was another band called "Beat the system" coming all the way from they started the show and followed by Paku..done with that, we then headed home......arrived at home around 8:30pm....when I switched on my pc, "service.exe" error came up causing failure to boot...tried several times but to no avail..tried without internet connection, the pc was able to login to windows but after couple of restarted itself...I then ran the recovery application from the bootable Windows installer CD and it fixed the problem...thank god..if not I have to reformat my pc again and I don't think I can manage to do that right now...I really need a rest, yet I stayed up watching the final F1 race in worries as I'm on UK Shift tomorrow (this week) which allow me to sleep up to 3pm if I need to...OK, now I want to get some good sleep and dreams...Good Night...
Baru sahaja bermimpi...

Sedang di buai mimpi indah...
Updated on 4th November 2008
Mr Jew has requested me to show the pics of me sleeping+drunk+dreaming....well I was the unlucky guy in the house as I had to sleep outside...on a cushion...Mr Joel and Mr Jew were enjoying the air conditioned room+queen size bed....combining the size of Mr Joel and Mr Jew together, no wonder that even the queen size bed looked smaller....I just wonder why on earth la my tummy kana kasi nampak sana..haha..mentang-mentang seksi..haha...
hehe..penat btl la kau ni kn..mcm laporan lawatan sambil belajar sja ni..
claire...mcm gitu la tu claire...sia singaja mau kasi jeles ko ba tu...sebab inda p kan...ada jg kami serita tu hinava ko la..aha....mimang panat la claire...hehe..
Alah..nda sempat sia tejumpa kamu nie..hehe yesterday pkl 3 sudah kami balik kl.. :)
tapi macam panat tul kamu punya trip nie tau..
haha..nda la sy jeles ba...pasrah sja nda dpt pigi..ekeke...mmg tu hinava sja ba kamu ingat tu kn suru sy pigi..sigh ekeke
Kmama...mimang panat la mama...tu badan pun rasa mcm mau baring sja ni..haha..sakit best jg la..lama inda jalan2 p perak..lumut..haha...
claire...haha..ok ba tu claire..mcm ko tau jg kan..tu hinava sja ba kami mau tu...lepas ko buat kali buli balik penang suda..haha....nda la ba mcm tu..haha..ko yg inda mo p..haha
huh! jahat..hehe kamu yg nda mau kasi ikut balik penang hari ahad..tsk tsk
ala...merajuk ba kaka si claris...hehehe...sorry la ba k..tapi nasib juga la, pasal sikit lagi sia lambat suda for the nx show di penang....
ba wel..kalau ko brani ko publish la tu pic kejaadian sebelum dan selepas..hahahah.....ada tambahan lagi yang ko tidak hurai tu tau
Claire..ahaha...tu pun ko merajuk ka time aguk punya party..haha..
Jew..haha...kenapa inda jew..haha.huraian..haha..adada...inda payah hurai ba tu..pic membawa maksud byk makna...haha..
hahaha..begitu ka pula pemandangan time ko mabuk wel..adada. ;)
hahahha....ada sja kejadian kau ni..kalau bukan d siring jalan..tu meja kau peluk kn..haha
Penang Bridge can be a bummer! Let's hope the second bridge eases traffic.
muahaha semalam sy nda mau post komen tp memandangkan ari ko update siap nampak perut, maka nda buli la sy menahan diri dari mengomen..isk mengutuk sebenarnya... yg sandi tul tu ko kasi pacah tu meja kicil? ganas betul la...LOL
Claire..haha..sia p tidur sendiri ba claire...inda tahan suda tahap gaban kepenatan kepala sama kepenuhan perut sia...haha...suka tul ko ni kan kalu ko d sana..haha... pemandangan seorang yg tertindas kerana mempunyai body yang sasa ba ni mell..kalu inda sana sia d katil jg tp malangnya..queen size bed pun jadi single bed sebab 2 manusia basar..haha....
Galivanter...yeah..that's what am waiting for...its going to take around 3-5 years to finish..but its going to be delayed if am not mistaken..they will only expand the current bridge causing havoc when only 1 lane is opened for traffic...thanks for visiting..
Reno..hahaha...mcm kana sabotaj ba tu perut reno..haha..seksi ka..haha..inda jg pecah ba tu..sia inda dapat cari bantal..meja pun kasi jadi bantal..haha..pandai lipat2 ba tu kaki dia reno.hahaha....entah apa la tu mimpi sia sampai meja jadi bantal..haha..
wel sungguh sexy kau tidur....mmmm.....kekeke....napa tu meja smp patah? alalalalala
Sweetie...bukan patah ba tu...kaki dia telipat d bawah..haha..durang inda kasi bantal ba...ada hati ambil pic sia tp inda kesian sia teda bantal peluk..haha...seksi ka sweetie..haha..
hahahah..iya sukaaaaa tu kalau sy ada d sana..ahaha
Claire..lain kali follow ur heart..haha...termissed suda ko kan..haha...
hahaha...original tu perut ko begitu, langsung ko tdk kena kacau tu...
claire..tu la ko teda sana..tingu tu meja yang jadi bantal gapus...hahaha
Jew...reginal ka tu..ngam2 lagi kenen tu baju kasi tunjuk perut..haha..tula si claire..kalu ko ada..ada jg kemas tu meja ..kasi susun tu bantal tuk sia peluk..lepas tu ko p tidur..haha..
hahaha..kalau sy tia mau p tdur? hahahhahha
nda pa la ni kali ter miss...nxt time la sy nda miss...hahaha
jew sy gapus kau sja la..blk2 sda c wel reject tu...hahahha
claire...haha..jadi ko inda mau tidur ko p kasi habis tu beer kan..haha..
next time..mcm next year tu tau claire..haha..
Wahahaha..ko putus asa suda ka claire..haha..ko gapus la si jew..jan sja ko kana tindih la..hehe..
hahaha...tu la c jew..kin takut..basar...haha
Claire...haha...badan mimang basar la..haha...silap sikit patah tulang kana tindih..haha...
Adeiii ada juga gambar ko kena ambik?? Tapi tidak heran juga bah sebab sia nampak dia live tidur sampai telipat tu kaki meja. Anyway, awalnya ko naik tidur well..... belum lagi puas becerita.... hehehe
Rayn....sia mimang inda tahan suda tu..kalu sia meneruskan perjuangan lagi mimang terus sana sia tidur sama tu kucing si mandy..haha...nasib sia waras sikit pandai p tidur.haha..
lain kali lg ba..manatau claire punya treat..haha
jadi kau punya treat bila??? hahahha
Claire...nanti sia kestau claire..sia treat ko..treat mcm mana ko mau..haha..
hahaha...apa2 sja treat kau sanggup bg la
wel, ko panat ka ko nakalapik tu? best bah ni kalau buat skali skala..kalau every weekends, sandi juga tu...hehehe....
claire...haha...sia tau tu apa treat ko mau kan..haha..ko cuba la..hahaha...
XigorX...sia penat dan tidur nyenyak ba tu...for some reason sia dengan waras sedar sia inda mampu lg meneruskan perjuangan beer..terus p mencari tempat tidur..haha...every weekend?ada jg la mcm sekarang mau hujung tahun suda..mcm kurang sikit..sebab mau ready tuk holiday kan tu duit..haha...
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