Firstly of all…I’ll need to clarify that I’m no expert in anything relates to IT but I do know bit by bit about it…still this is something worth sharing and I’m sure most IT guys would like this…hehe…this is a platform that I’ve been using for almost a year to help my friends (Sabah and Peninsular) and sometimes customers (Standalone machine not Server) to resolve their problem regards to computer thingy..To use this platform, you’ll need to have an internet connection (up and running)…duh..macam mana mau access kalau teda internet..huhu...then go to this website
Both ends need to go to that website (first time run) and once you’ve loaded the page...I would recommend (future use) both ends to download the application by performing a single-left click on the “Show My PC to Remote User” or “View Remote User’s PC”…well both applications are the same either one will do…if you don’t want to download you’re still able to use the application by selecting “Run” instead of “Save” when prompted
Once the application is ready and running, you will get a screen as below
Good Luck!
wah siok nie tool nie tau...sia mau explore dulu nie well
Andrik..punya laju ko kan..haha...ya best ni...selalu sia pakai tulung kawan2..hehe..better to advise them to login as admin into that machine so senang mau buat keja if suda remote in...good luck andrik..
lmao!!.. ;) ohh.. good info.. ^_^ nnti sa pun mo try ni.. :D i mean explore.. lmao!! ^_^
;) biasa baa wel.. andrik's back! xD
Oh,i'm currently using teamviewer ;)
Beck...hehe....good luck beck..share for info sja ba...
Mell..wah..teamviewer sia pena pakai jg o pun best jg..hehe..especially bila teda org jaga tu pc d sebelah..haha...
pening, pening...perghhhhh tapi mcm paham2 juga la di last2 tu..keke wa expert ko ni Wel..
Reno..haha..jan pening ba reno-kun..haha..bukan expert ba reno...sekadar mau share sja..hehe..manatau lain kali ko mau guna kan..
klu tgk blue buli share2 laitu kan....muahhahaha
sweetie..haha..idea bagus tu sweetie..buli..bila kita mau tinguk ni..haha..
ahaks... bagus ni application neh wel...tapi kana hati2 juga tu... kalau kena yang kaki hack..abes...
uinah si sweetie... bawa2 bah juga kamiurang tinguk... kalau ada yang purple pun bleh..
BudakHutan...haha..mesti la..inda la ba mau suru org remote in p suru dia kacau benda lain..anyway kalu ko remote in ko buli tinguk apa dia buat ba tu..mouse begerak sendiri..inda macam remote in desktop connection through server..hehe..
haha..inda mau ketinggalan ka BH..mau juga join..haha..
Sya blm try lagi ni Wel.. baru sya terbaca :D Ini lebih kurang tu Remote Desktop atau Terminal Servicekah? Menarik ni Wel, mungkin kami boleh pakai untuk troubleshoot PC user remotely.. Mau pakai high speed connection kaini?
Oiga..yah oiga..sama la tu beza dia..yg ni RDP concept bukan mcm RD tau Terminal service yg kita selalu guna tuk kita nampak tu mouse begerak..apa tu org buat d pc kita kalu di remote in...its not dial in mcm yg 2 ko bg tu....mimang menarik especially when kawan minta tulung check pc ka..setting up ka..haha..slow sikit..depending on internet connection jg..normal connection will do oiga...
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