It is one of the fests I’ve always waited every year…
There will be food fest every evening almost everywhere….
Name it, you can easily find your favourite ‘Malay’ food…duh…I would be amazed if you could find your favourite ’Chinese’ food there...
It's the fasting month (Ramadan)…I just love this moment every year…I’ve been having dilemma to fulfill my appetite but I guess that would not happen for some time now…hehe…
There are so many options I could opt for now….I just love malay foods so much due to the spices…
Not only that, I might be able to eat pucuk paku (paku pakis for Sabahan) or pucuk ubi and etc…kalau ada siput (tuntul for sabahan) lagi la bonus!
Having said that, I might be spending more than normal for foods during this period…It doesn’t really bother me though...I’ll be happy for fulfilling my food appetite…Husky & Biggy will join force indirectly..hehe…
Not only that, I might be able to eat pucuk paku (paku pakis for Sabahan) or pucuk ubi and etc…kalau ada siput (tuntul for sabahan) lagi la bonus!
Having said that, I might be spending more than normal for foods during this period…It doesn’t really bother me though...I’ll be happy for fulfilling my food appetite…Husky & Biggy will join force indirectly..hehe…
Happy fasting to all Malaysian!!! Don’t eat and drive???
hihihi...kuih muih pun sodappp....:D
waduh...wel...ko ni ba...beliur2 sia nampak. taapun...
Claire...haha.. apa lg..d sabah byk tu d pasar mlm kan..hehe..siok lg sana ada chicken wing..hehe..
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