During my holiday period in Tambunan last couple of weeks ago,I saw Blood Pressure tester devices on the dining table..there were 2 of them...digital and analog...I played with the digital one for a while (I tested twice and got the same reading)....I thanked god that I'm still in the range of a "
NORMAL" blood pressure...well, perhaps I'm hitting the early stage of high blood pressure which is called HIGH NORMAL? I'm a little concern about the pulse count though....I had about 50-60 pulse count when I played football actively 10 years ago....with the current pulse count below I might get easily excited/mad I reckon....obviously, I'm lack of stamina already..huhu...macam mana mau naik Gunung Kinabalu ni..haha..

I have this attitude of not prefer to go neither hospital nor clinic to see a doctor whenever I fall sick etc...I don't really know why, perhaps in my previous life..I had some kind of bad experience with doctors? I was a guinea pig in a lab perhaps? berimaginasi betul...haha..I had an experience in 2007 when I was sick with high fever (it was all due to a mere sore throat then flu then fever) I was forced to take a sick leave by the manager...and I'm very proud that, it was the only time I took a sick leave in over 3 years working with the present company...from the office, I went to my panel clinic (nearby my house) and met the doctor there...I could barely remember what he tested/checked that day...body temperature, coughing, listened to my heart beat, checked my tonsil and asked me several questions like..do you smoke-how many per day? do you drink-how often and amount? you do sport-what sport-how often? how long has this been going? are you feeling cold?....and are you a virgin??I then looked at the doctor wondered what's that got to be with the fever...hahaha...are you nuts? I would be surprised if a doctor ask me that virgin question when I'm having a fever......enough with that crap..hahaha...a'ight, the doctor was kind of surprised pula once he heard my answers to his questionaire...he told me that I have a "very" normal blood pressure..I was surprised myself (thanked God) to know that I have a normal blood pressure whereas my life style is a little off set...well, shouldn't I be saying I had instead of I have at this moment?.....I drank heavily every week(sometimes weekdays and several times I came to work with the aftermath of drinking...kogutan...what's the purpose of drinking if not getting drunk?) smoke lots of cigarette either at home or work (i had a colleague who smokes..so whenever we were free...it was always a good time for a cigarette) plus the appetite of destruction on foods...I eat almost everything except "taie"..haha..I eat what so ever as long as it tastes good and I ate a lot during those days...with that kind of life style I was into at that moment, I was still being categorized in a "very" normal blood pressure group?...the word "very", used by the doctor was perhaps just a sweet-talk (was he trying to hit on me??Hahaha....) he prescribed me some basic medicines for fever and coughing as well as a one day sick leave approval...the next day, because I was already lazy and it was Friday...so I called the manager, telling him that I was not feeling very well to come to work...hahaha..
I'm grateful of what God has planned for me and his continues blessing towards me...I would not ask for more but if He could let me win a one time big Jackpot..I would be very much happy and will definitely contribute some of the winning money to help others...especially to welfare funding...and most importantly, I'll be me of what I am now...a simple decent man...amen...
What??...were you thinking about that "
censored" thingy? It's just a blood...anyone willing to suck some of my blood out? any part time vampire? I wonder if taking out some of your blood out of your body would lessen the pressure...is that a valid theory?????? Can anyone tell me??
* Sent my bike for an overhaul as well as exhaust service yesterday...it cost me RM145....I'm officially bertambah pokai....huhu.....Wel says "maggie mee, I'm coming to you...." and I had 2 not-very-good-weeks so far in 2009....thanked God though..
Try to go for full blood and urine check bah Wel. Sia pun normal juga blood pressure... tetapi tingu kolesterol sia tinggi.....
Kita yg kurus2 ni biasanya tinggi kolesterol... sebab kuat makan... hahaha
Lett..hehe..ko suru sia p jumpa doc lagi la sia inda mau..haha...sia inda kuat makan lg ba..dulu la kali..haha..selalu tu mcm tu..tinggi kolesterol tuk org yg slim..haha...tp seimbang kalu byk buat kerja keluar peluh ba tu..kalu duduk sja d ofis..habis la..hehe..
jan bimbang wel..sa pun mau bertambah pokai lepas antar kreta sa pi servis hahahahaha
kata2 pujukan si jerry tu ba....ya la wel..sy pun pokai sda kalau gni...jgn risau..kami semua ramai2 jadi pokai demi geng karas..hahah
hahaha... ko cari Doc yang sumandak wel... kompom ko rajin mau p minta check tuh.. hahaha
Ko susah hati nda dapat naik gunung? sa lagi risau wel.. ankle injured kenen ni.. tingu2 sa tunggu kamurang d bawah ja kali ni.. >.<
Pasal pokai?! haha.. mungkin ebribodi mengalami kan... Mi Magie pun nda sanggup uda ni wel.. NAIK haraga uda tu mi.. damm!
Blood/cholesterol pressure? baru sa tau urang kurus yang kuat makan banyak cholesterol ka? adididi... mau cari doc hendsome ni mau minta check.. LOL
Good kama wel..!
ekekek ya cr doc sumandak mesti rajin jumpa doc apa lagi kalu mcm c kristen kreuk kan? ba lg jimat bagi dua lgi tu maggi..hehe
Ish ish ish that title..haha
Nda apa ba wel,sekali sekala pokai,apa salahnya. Mesti miskin dulu sebelum kaya kan? haha..mcm pakar motivasi kunun *kicks own butt*
My blood pressure rendah tau,i dont remember the reading tapi doctor bilang rendah la. See wel, blood pressure rendah ka,tinggi ka, kita mesti rasa nda sedap hati jg ba. Might as well makan seja tu ayam kfc. kan kan?
sy punya blood pressure is 110/80....super duper normal...hehe.
wel ko tau kan napa dia tny kau virgin ka nda....dia mau check ba tu mana tau ur demam has sth to do with std....keke
Alright mari kita tengok sepa yang kena..haha...
Jerry...sia ingat ko mau cakap pokai lepas ko berabis kasi habis stout d kadai cina dekat ruma ko..hehe...ok ba jerry...sama2 la kita pokai ah..haha..
Claire...Taie ko la claire..haha..ko mau pokai..mari sia tulung ko..hehe..ko mau sia tulung kasi pokai ko..haha..sanggup ko pokai demi sia ka claire..haha...
Kuai..ya kan kuai...napa sia inda pikir o...sia inda mau kana cakap menyalah gunakan ba..haha..sia inda susa hati kuai..sebab hari ni rejim training sia mula..hehe..diet suda terkawal dan sekarang mau kasi fit kenen tu stamina..105 pulse kasi turun p 60 pulse kali ni..hehe..ala napa pula si angkel ko ni...sia tepaksa angkat ko p puncak la ni kan..ko bawa sedia tu berait la ah..hehe..kalo ko cari doc ensem...tepaksa la sia keseorangan..haha...
Gallivanter...it was not a major overhaul..the last time I did a major overhaul (100%) was back in Dec 2006..its now over 2 years already...since then never change piston but several times piston ring...this time change the piston+ring, clean-up the whole engine, new gasket and of course new motor oil..haha...considered cheap because I've known the guy for almost 3 years suda..haha...maintenance is the key to cost-effective..hehe..
Qhris...kalu betul ada doc mcm si keristin keruk...mimang sia tiap minggu sakit la ni..pura2 sakit perut.minta pigang perut.haha...bagi dua ka magi..haha..bgs buat keropok tu magi..haha..
Mell....apa suda d pikiran ko mell...hehe...ya la mell..suda di jangka ba ni kepokaian melanda pada ketika ini..haha...kalu inda pena rasa miskin macam mana mau jadi org kaya yg bgs kan..hehe..
rendah ka mell..pasal tu kali tu ko inda buli d sejuk kan..alala..bgs ko p minum stout kasi tambah tu darah..haha..tiap hari minum senggalas..selepas sebulan tiap hari minum sembutul basar..hehe...pasti lepas 6 bln naik jadi normal tu..hehe..
Sweetie....wahaha..kita macam serupa sja ni baby..betebalik saja ba ni..hehe...sia pun ada pikir jg mcm tu tp muskil sia rasa..haha...apa sia buat sampai sia demam ah..hehehe..jan kestau urg ah sweetie..hehe..
votes..5 for blood and 6 for pokai..haha..sepa yang mata-mata-pelastik ni...haha..
Ada seja percubaan ko mau suru sy minum stout kan. Taie ko la wel. haha. low blood pressure bukan alasan. hahaha.
Mell....sia bukan cuba ba tu mell..sia cuba membantu..hehe...pecaya la..ko minum tu malta la..low blood pressure inda buli p tempat tinggi tau..sebab darah inda dapat pam oxy naik turun badan ko...uhuhu..dengar la cakap mell..p minum tu stout..hehe..
bukan mempergunakan ba... tapi pergunakanlah kemudahan dan kesempatan yang ada...:D happi sa ni ada urang mau angkat hahaha... kalo ko kasi Fit lagi... wah susah ni sa mau bayangkan, padahal skrg pun suda fit barabis... hahahaha... ko nda keseorangan tuh, ada gia Doc ^__^
teda la mell..tipu tu si wel..sy slalu jg low blood pressure buli sja turun naik gunung..hahaha nda ba..ya la kali jg..paning2 mengkali..heheh
nda pyh susah2 suru vampire ka nyamuk aedes p gigit kau..paling senang...ikut la hobi mcm sy sm si jerry...p menderma darah...mesti mo kebajikan ba wel..hehe
Kuai...wahaha..pergunakanlah kuai..ko kasi benar ka ni..haha...ok ba kuai..kalu inda sana kita d air terjun pertama tu main air sja..hehe..kita tunggu durang turun bisuk pagi..haha....kita main api d hostel..hehe....sia pasti inda kesorangan la ni..hehe...
Claire...jaga kama claire..kalu sia tepaksa kiss CPR si mell mau kasi hidup dari pingsan..jan kasi salah sia ah..hahaha....low blood pressure inda buli naik gunung!!!! jadi makan red meat byk2....
ko cuba menjawab teori sia mau kasi turun darah ka ni claire..hehe...mungkin betul tu kan..sia cuba la kumpul 1 baldi darah sia nanti hantar p sepital..kira derma jg ba tu kan..haha..
sb masa kau naik tu penat berpeluh...mmg akan ter naik jg ba tu blood pressure... hihhihi wink2....test la ba supaya ada chance mau CPR...kalau si sweetie dia suka tu...eekekeke
Claire..inda mau dingar ko kan claire....ko ingat darah naik sebab peluh naik ka...adadaa..silap suda teori sains ko ni tau..haha...blood pun cecair jg ba..kemampatan pun inda la berapa..air pun pandai sejuk d tempat sejuk ni kan darah...bukan darah yg bekerja ba kalu keluar peluh..tu jantung mau pam keluar masuk hantar p atas bawah tu kalu inda kuat..inda kuat la blood pressure...suda la inda kuat..makin lg lemah tu pressure dia kana bagi..habis la..slow terus darah..badan slow dapat bekalan oksigen..dan akhirnya CPR..kehaaaa...hehe...betul ka inda claire..haha..si sweetie suka ka CPR...haha..
haha..jadi kau ingat kenapa org suru lari2 spy kasi bgs peredaran darah?? hehe..sambil2 jg ba tu..berpeluh2 jg dapat jg naik smpi gunting lagadan..haha mo smpi puncak kurang pasti la...sb teda sda peluh ms tu biarpun panat...hihihi
smbil2 sy paksa naik spy dpt cpr la ba tu...kau ni..nda campin btl..hahah
Claire..sia inda biasa yg pok silap ba claire..ko ajar kenen sia..haha...pok silap sja ko kan...sia paksa la ko naik p puncak ni....haha..pura2 la ko kenen mau pingsan..sia kasi tinggal sja ko sana..hahaha...
sebab tu mau lari kasi kuat tu jantung dulu ba tu..bukan tu darah..bila jantung kuat..kuat la tu water pam ko..haha....mcm jg tu kantut.kalu ko selalu kantut...tebiasa la tu pantat kantut..haha...
Bro..kalo mau naik gunung aku mau ikut bah..Minum lihing saja..jgn risau..Hidup mesti enjoy
kajempak..wahaha..apasal tdk cakap awal..hehe..yup.hidup mesti enjoy...haha..minum lihing?wahaha..buli tahan petua ko ni..hehe..
Jadi mcm mana kunun tu stout bole kasi naik sikit tekanan darah sy wel? haha..tu jantung mmg perlu cergas la ba,supaya kuat pam2 dia. Stout mana bole kasi cergas jantung. hihi..
hehe mell..ok ba stout, mmg bagus effect dia lah ..tp kalu naik gunung emmm mesti exercise la ba juga ...hehe
Mell..haha..susa mau explain kalu stout mell..mesti mau minum dulu baru tau..haha..cuba ko kasi bukti la ba tu teori karut belaka..hehe..lepas ko minum baru ko kasi kuat tu jantung..haha..
Qhris...haha..ya..si lumis pun picaya tu teori...kalu ko minum 1 tin stout sebelum naik ko buli sampai jg dengan jayanya d puncak ba kan lumis..haha..
So funny adaka tu doc tanya "are you still a virgin?" LoLs!
Me pula kena tanya "are you married?", Well asked in a more polite way la... in the end the doc ask me to take more rest and sleep more hours... hmmm....
Well take good care of your health la.. some docs are lazy to do a thorough checkup nowadays... you might never know what your body is actually trying to tell you... be safe before its too late... ;-)
Olie..hi olie..welcome..tu doctor mau mengurat ba tu kali..hehe...what's that got to do with fever ah..mesti mau tanya tu doc lain kali ni..haha...ya..sometimes due to tiredness jg ba tu..if I were tired and lack of sleep..mula la mau bersin2 then flu..then sore throat..then fever..then jumpa doc..haha..sometimes mcm tu jg that...our body trying to show the reaction to something..tiredness...cold..hot etc..jadi rajin2 la tinguk HOUSE..hehe..again cheers olie!
adei.. :P i wonder how is everything then? :P~ hmm.. so suspected kaa tia ni..? haha.. xD baa jaga laa kesihatan.. :) kio.. ;)
Beck....Ok ba beck..semua pun ok..hehe..jaga la minum dan makan maka terjaga la kesihatan..hehe..inda suspected ba..
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