Deep down inside, I think it's a waste of's an asset but not a liability I'd say...
Still, I love what I did..finally selepas 4 tahun bekerja dan simpan duit kenen..I decided to buy one of the thing I love when it comes to enjoying movies or party....
Hehe...I'm proud of myself for being able to fork out an amount of money to purchase a Home Theatre Speaker System and a new microfon (our existing mic ada karan - crack) Kehaaa!!! Jew..lepas ni BlueRay DVD player pula ko mau beli kan tu..haha...
Still, I love what I did..finally selepas 4 tahun bekerja dan simpan duit kenen..I decided to buy one of the thing I love when it comes to enjoying movies or party....
Hehe...I'm proud of myself for being able to fork out an amount of money to purchase a Home Theatre Speaker System and a new microfon (our existing mic ada karan - crack) Kehaaa!!! Jew..lepas ni BlueRay DVD player pula ko mau beli kan tu..haha...
5.1 Channel Home Theatre Speaker System with 12000 Watt P.M.P.O from HK Video (HKV)
- 1 Subwoofer
- 1 Center Channel
- 2 Front Channel
- 2 Rear Channel
- 2 Mic's

Pity I would not be able to fully utilise the 12000 Watt though...menghormati jiran tetangga ba..hehe..
Are we ready to have another "party" on Raya?????
wah..sioknyaaa..mesti meletup time 'party' raya ni
Yeay! habis la nanti ni nda pandai berenti lg sy nyanyi. muahahaha
Sheila..hehe..mimang melatup la..makin semart la suara sia ni nanti..haha..
Dan...wei...if u happen to be in penang..let me know bro..hehe...
Clarie..ada 2 mic ba claire..jan ko yg ada karan punya la..haha..
buli join? :)
napa salah2 spelling tu description dia tu wel?original ka ni ko beli?si clarice suru dia pakai tu mic yang ada karan sj la baru kurang sikit dia mengontrol nx weekend kita test...
kan bagus kalau sia buli try menyanyi kaasi hujan ni penang.. hehehe
Vera...haha..ok ba vera...
Jew....murah punya ba jew..nda mampu mau bili yg berjenama clarice mimang ngam guna mic ada karan la..haha..
Rayner..hehe..ok sja ba rayner...napa inda buli try pula..hehe..
oi. aku mau test yg baru! bukan yg ada karan! sot la kamu sana! muahahaha
Claire..ko ngam yg ada karan ba claire...supaya suara ko makin siok..haha..
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