This came into my mind yesterday when I opened one of my friend's email..forwarded email..I'm so interested with these pictures..if only I receive them without the Subject: LadyBoy..I would probably fell in love with these beautiful ladies..well..they surely look beautiful and pretty..don't you agree? It's not a new thing for us that in Thailand this has become their main attraction....since decades ago..I'm not saying that Thailand is bad or what so ever..it actually helped the country's economy for decades..boosting their tourism industry..It's even became legal practice in that country..I've been there once..(
trip to Pattaya and Bangkok) and I saw lots of them...not to mention how attractive they are to your eyes..he.he..even in these pictures, you can't really tell how genuine they are, aren't they? I just wonder why and what has contributed to this practice in Thailand..we knew that prostitution is legal in that country as well..and am sure to be a successful man is not an easy task for any man in the world..well it's just a common and conservative thought that being a woman is far more easier than being a man..isn't it? What's what with this thought? Perhaps it's not entirely correct but it may sheds some light in our mind...why men become women..and why women become men..it is how our world evolved these days...women doing men's job...and vice-versa..let's take an example of the most re-known chefs in the world..most of them are men...women also..they managed to get their hand in the highest spot of administrating their respective country..but still many people..men especially do not prefer to be administered by women..I wouldn't mind as long as she's capable..women is easily affected by emotion driven cause..yet who's not kan?..I'd prefer to think men and women are equal in all aspects of life..we may have differences though..it could be responsibility but I still believe they're comprehensible
Let's get back to these pictures..how can you tell that they are not a genuine women? How confident are you with your assumption? Don't they look damn sizzling hot..gorgeous and pretty? By the time we lay our eyes on them..the first thing comes to our mind is..
"wow!she's so pretty..so hot..so sexy..so membunuh jiwa"..and who wouldn't feel grateful or happy to be in that position..
if cantik or something nice la..lain la kalu kana tinguk sebab bida..ha.ha..would you actually make this enhancement to yourself? It happens to women as well...once they saw any handsome men walking..in a LRT..in the same office building..in a business meeting trip..etc..they would actually..
"he's so handsome!(giggling)" that's a common reaction to everyone..also how stupid we are when it comes to hide our 'secret' impression..some would actually feel nervous..some might change their attitude (which is for me stupid and I totally against such act) and worst...you can't stop looking at them..aha..
yang ini ada bagus juga ni..you're making your intention known..which is great but if too much..then they might think you're pervert or sick bastard...they would be better run away from you..ha..ha...

Looking at these pictures..I actually kind of admired them..again, it's not a decision that you can reverse anytime you'd wish to like planting a silicon implant into your boobs..how much they've spent is not my concern..it's how courages they're enduring the pain..the swearing..the risks..the hardship to relish and achieve their dream/goal..they dare to be different and be better..I wouldn't know to be exact if this would mean a better life for them but..perhaps I'm not wrong if I say this would open a new path in their life..being someone new...enjoy and cherish their life in a new way...new experiences....life has plenty more to offer..it's either we dare or we dare not...
their courage is truely admirable of what it means to be themselves.
btw those ladyboys are really elegant.
yeah jo...we can't really tell one if man or woman...they look elegant and eyes catcher...hehe..
not dare to find future wife in there..ahaha..
erk..wel..actually thiland belum legalized lagi prostitution..but its like their business sudah kan..suma orang ingat legal..
aha..mcm mana ko tau kadusmama..nanti sia kasi legal la kalu mcm tu..kalu inda silap durg cakap ada yg suda bedaftar..ladyboy pun kira career suda d sana..hehe..
wow cantik nya diorang tuh, jeles i..tp sia respect juga (dosa sendiri tanggung la) tp sia respect sebab durang berani and nda pura2. btw maganda na poh...
apa maganda na pog urangranau..inda paham..mcm pilak sja tu.hehe....dosa2 sendiri paham ba tu...yg admire to inda la durang hipokrit..hehe..enjoy life...if not coz him..tidak kesampaian jg kejadian tu...and coz him kejadian tu jadi jg..except ada objective lain tu benda lain..haha..
sambadikappp....uieeeee, kingkau hehehe..
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