Sometimes I think of myself as an individual who strives hard to be a man who I am now but at some other time I think striving hard is just an excuse for me to gain better living than the better of me… be honest with you I don’t really care what would that make a different of me…and sometimes listening to people who’s more superior than me made me wonder if they really that superior than myself (they always does) and others to have a long story of people living their live to certain extend…I might be doing the same and…frankly speaking when I spoke about some one it reflects my own admiration towards these individuals… does not matter how much they earn and how vastly their knowledge were…their philosophy is the only item I look for….I try to understand what makes them speak about these individuals and I even try to relate that to the life I’m having (where applicable) yet at the end of the always fail to stand out and outclass individuals who have always being generous and very calm in many way of their doing yet successful.…
I love to talk about life and living the life yet when an individual begins talking about their thoughts towards breaking through the outside world for an impressive achievement would make me wonder myself (I did this juga ba sometimes as a metaphore) Why think about making the better of the outside world or breaking into their world when even locally an individual couldn’t even make the best out of it (to be a successful individual you’ll have to be among a successful group) It has always been a token for me as non-superior individual to listen and know about the outside as a knowledge of motivation but praising the outside world for an achievement is just not quite right to build up the inner motivation….I sometimes (well, most of the time) observe these individuals and think wow! This individual is really something! And thinking about that I begin to wonder further..why is this individual still here and having a conversation with me when I couldn’t understand what this individual were trying to achieve or tell me….well, I might have an impression towards this kind of individual for being knowledgable and kind for sharing the stories…the rational is always seems to be something intereting for me…was the individual trying to tell me about his/her ambition of being a successful individual preferable the outside world or was the individual trying to tell me that he/she is far more superior than me/the lads…was it a remarks or was it just a chit-chat showing his/her interest of making friends…
I come with this….I might be a little off set but first impression really help to find it way to work things out….I ‘d prefer to think that this kind of individual is pretty much trying to make his/her territory among others…he/she wants others to think he/she is not someone who is just someone but he/she is someone with something….what does it means?It does not bother me and I’m happy for what I have and of course I will always strive to the best of me….to what extend? Be God to decide….sometimes God will work his way out of the unexpected and always the way we couldn’t even get it until a certain period of time (if you’re grateful enough) Being a superior individual does not require high profile or being a well known individual at workplace…if an individual could make good impression and impressive performance at workplace then it is not a crime to think about making an impact onto the outside world….if an individual is just playing plain stupid at workplace thinking that would put him/her at a right path to great achievement….then forget about achieving the outside world….it’s just not quite right….would you play plain stupid at workplace whilst dreaming of gaining more earning in future or getting promotion to higher position…or far more ambitious to achieve something in the outside world?? Isn’t that obvious?? we can be a low profile individual and feel save at our own safety net at workplace but would that make you happy to dream of breaking into the outside world when you’re not making any impression towards the particular??? There's always a right way of doing it rather than talking about not pushing yourself outside the boundry for extra responsibility than what your job description prescribed....take a risk and learn from the risk??? I salute you for being smarter to avoid wider range of responsibility though...
* Betul-betul saya pun macam inda paham ni thought o..haha... be honest with you I don’t really care what would that make a different of me…and sometimes listening to people who’s more superior than me made me wonder if they really that superior than myself (they always does) and others to have a long story of people living their live to certain extend…I might be doing the same and…frankly speaking when I spoke about some one it reflects my own admiration towards these individuals… does not matter how much they earn and how vastly their knowledge were…their philosophy is the only item I look for….I try to understand what makes them speak about these individuals and I even try to relate that to the life I’m having (where applicable) yet at the end of the always fail to stand out and outclass individuals who have always being generous and very calm in many way of their doing yet successful.…
Would you think he would make an impact locally and world wide with his effort of wearing this costumes?

I come with this….I might be a little off set but first impression really help to find it way to work things out….I ‘d prefer to think that this kind of individual is pretty much trying to make his/her territory among others…he/she wants others to think he/she is not someone who is just someone but he/she is someone with something….what does it means?It does not bother me and I’m happy for what I have and of course I will always strive to the best of me….to what extend? Be God to decide….sometimes God will work his way out of the unexpected and always the way we couldn’t even get it until a certain period of time (if you’re grateful enough) Being a superior individual does not require high profile or being a well known individual at workplace…if an individual could make good impression and impressive performance at workplace then it is not a crime to think about making an impact onto the outside world….if an individual is just playing plain stupid at workplace thinking that would put him/her at a right path to great achievement….then forget about achieving the outside world….it’s just not quite right….would you play plain stupid at workplace whilst dreaming of gaining more earning in future or getting promotion to higher position…or far more ambitious to achieve something in the outside world?? Isn’t that obvious?? we can be a low profile individual and feel save at our own safety net at workplace but would that make you happy to dream of breaking into the outside world when you’re not making any impression towards the particular??? There's always a right way of doing it rather than talking about not pushing yourself outside the boundry for extra responsibility than what your job description prescribed....take a risk and learn from the risk??? I salute you for being smarter to avoid wider range of responsibility though...
* Betul-betul saya pun macam inda paham ni thought o..haha...