Pouring your love towards someone and be loved in return may sounds like heaven of relationship....or may not when you realize it may not last....
Falling towards the opposite sex...or perhaps towards your own kind may sounds like dreamland...or may not when you realize it may not make you flying...
Losing someone you're deeply in love may sounds like suicidal...or may not when you realize it may not stop you from trying...
Trying hard to impress someone you've had feeling may sounds desperate...or may not when you realize it may teaches you about courage...
Whereas, the love portrayed in "Marley & Me" deserves 5 drips of man-tears....
kan sy bilang byk pengajaran...keteh te nangis....hehehhehe
it all about dog..lol
eseh tertears ah..penyayang la c wel itu kunun whaha
Claire...apa pengajaran dia kenen..sia tau sedih sebab marley mati sja..haha...adadad..
Lele..hehe....kerana anjing aku manhood aku tertewas..haha..
Qhris...haha...kesian ba tu anjing walau bengong tp atleast dia anjing inda belajar tinggi2...hehehe..
lembut hati ko kan wel...sy suka lelaki begitu....urang bilang penyayang tu lelaki begitu....ahem2 hehe
ada kawan sy lelaki buli nangis tengok cerita hindustan? apa komen? teruk sgt ka tu? haha
pengajaran dia jgn mcm munyit slalu...hahha..
sweetie...kalau nangis ok ba..manusia jg tu lelaki...hehehe tp kalau nangis sja tia pandai berenti..kuat lagi nangis dr sy, sy mo pukul la...hahaha
haha claire......bahaya jgk ko ni...klu nda berenti nama dia sissy boy sda tu....nda buli panggil lelaki sda....hehe
haha..sy pun nangis ba wel,oleh itu kau nda keseorangan. haha
Sweetie...penyanyang jg kali ni kalu mau menyayangi..haha...inda la ba hindustan mau nangis..tp byk jg serita durang sedih ba...bikin nangis jg tu...lelaki tetap manusia jg ba..hehe..
Claire...nasib ko sedar ko selalu jd munyit la claire...haha...
ya claire..mimang lelaki jg ba manusia..dan manusia tu lelaki jg....punya jahat ko claire..jan ko ! dia tau..haha..nanti kana benci ko...hehe...
Sweetie..haha..sissy boy?haha...sebab dia sissy dia jd sensitif ba tu..kalu inda sensitif kana komplen..kalu sensitif pun kana komplen..susa jg ni..haha..
Mell....cute..ko pun nangis jg..adadaa...ko mesti nangis besar-besaran ni kan..tp realiti ba tu..u live long enough with marley mesti la sedih...mau buang bantal busuk pun mau sedih apa lagi mcm si marley yg bengong..haha..
sepa yg tau? yg mo benci tu yg nangis ka tu? muahaha...
that DVD has been sitting in my drawer for over two weeks now.. I wanted to watch it with my BF cause I know that it is a great movie(with all the reviews) plus jen aniston is in it..but i still haven't watch it..
Maybe these few days la k. Many times I wanted to watch it but what is a great movie without a great companion??
haha lutchu ba kau ni..kau sja yg sedih buang bantal busuk tu tau,jgn bawa sy bah..haha
Claire...hehe...jan benci ba....inda bgs tu....so many things in life ba yg we cant predict..hehe..
Vera.. u better watch..its a good movie...i tell u...without great companion?yeah...i must admit to that...
Mell....ok la.sia sedih sia birak sebab susah mau dapat taie yg santik dan putih..haha..ok ba mell..jikalau itu pinta mu..haha..
haven't watch this movie yet. based on the reviews, this one is worth watching...but i'm not into movie yg bikin nangis bah..especially yg melibatkan pets. Asal sj psl pets pny movie, mcm bulih agak suda misti bikin nangis pny...:)
hahaha kamurang ni kasi chance la si wel mo ber'emotional' sketk ba ahaha. nangis saja kayee wel jan peduli dorang ahahaha.
Dan...wow!or perhaps you could be that someone that uses dog to pick a girl..hehe.....simple yet touching ba the movie...
Mama Mia...really worth..the preview looks pretty simple..and yes its simple but beauty makes it very touching yet thoughtful...kalo mo tinguk..bring your family la..then inda malu kalu nangis..hehe..inda jg..ada jg movie sal pet mcm seabiscuit inda jg nangis pun..its another type of thought pula..hehe..
Tot...wahaha..ko inda mau ikut ka tot...jan ko pura2 ba sana...sengaja ko p toilet kenen padahal p lap air mata..hehe..
Marley n me , masa sa tgk ni movie sa nda mo tinguk part yang sedih2 ...sa tinguk sumandak di sebelah sa sja...bikin kasi distraction..hehh
Antanumite....hehe...sia2 ko tinguk movie ni lex..hehe..
sad movie...always make me cry...but still, I wanna watch this...sbb ada labrador sa nampak...hehehe
o ya...sy suka tu si Mc Steamy yg mengurat ppuan pakai budak sama anjing...wahahah
p/s sy selalu tia phm kau pny reply comment oo...hehe
Adida. ni yg sa malas mo tgk ni kalau ada sedih2. tp nanti la mo tgk juga.
my last 'puppy movie' is Bolt. walaupun katun2 saja pun ada juga tu perasaan oh.
I wonder what Marley n Me will do to me.
Nah Wel kalau ko rasa sesuatu time tgk tu movie, then ladies, this is the kind of man youre searching for. Hehee
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