2 weeks ago there was a company board of directors meeting held in Italy and they were planning to expand the office in Malaysia in near time soon..Therefore, last week the manager had asked me to talk to the Building Manager of the place we are currently renting (Menara Northam)...asking if the company next to us were planning to move..reason was, we have not seen anyone coming into the office since early July...according the Building Manager, the company's staffs are currently in KL for seminar/project and will be back soon...he suggested to have a look at the 19th floor unit that's being left vacant or the 15th floor unit which had just finished being renovated last week....our current office is at the top floor...23rd floor
views from current office.jpg)


19th Floor..what's so great about this unit..it's located at the corner side of Menara Northam and the size is almost triple the current unit we are in...it has 1 huge room with cubicles for main office purposes, 3 medium size rooms suitable for managers, 1 meeting room, 1 guest room, 2 mini rooms and 1 open-air room suitable for smoking...
The entrance
The guest room (behind me is a mini bar)
15th Floor..this is too huge for SME type company like us...5 units as a whole package...how big is that? More than triple the 19th floor unit for sure...If the HQ already allocated RM50K to RM100K for office relocation, we might move in to this unit but still it is too big for us...moreover, many things need to be done as this unit had just been renovated, it is currently empty..total empty like a parking space..L shape unit
Left wing from the main entrance
Right wing from the main entrance.jpg)
I was accompanied by the Building Manager meeting each of these units' owners (yesterday afternoon)....the 19th floor unit's owner was quite a nice person..he talked and guided me through into each rooms we entered whilst I was taking pictures using my mobile and he even suggested several items that needing to be improved...he was quite generous with his offer that he could arrange some contractor for us and would negotiate the amount...the office had been left vacant for couple of months and he is more than happy to have someone who can rent the place and make use of the unit rather than leaving it empty for the Menara Northam's ghosts making it their Designated Hermitage during night time...compared to the 15th floor unit's owner....he didn't bother to offer anything..ya la..mesti dalam hati dia..ada hati mau sewa office sia yg besar and mahal ni...he.he...so I didn't bother as well to ask further question in relation to his unit..he..he...
Looking forward to move into another new office....
New office.. and huge..
ada karaja kusung mau kasi panu tu opis basar kamu ka wel!?
aha..kuai..karaja kusung..ada tu kali tp not now la...hehe..ok ba kalu ko..inda payah lagi becinta cyber kan..hehe..
takkan mau jadi pencinta opis? hehehe.. nga, bukan sa yang mau karaja... :)
hi kuai..ok ba..pencinta ofis pun buli jg ba..hehe...alala..kalu bukan ko susa la..hehe..kalo ko senang..hehe..
Besar juga ofis ko tu Wel, buli piara ikan tu wel,hehehehe...
ahaha....yg tingkat 15 besar la..buli buat padang futsal lg..view dia pun best..hehe...entah la..HQ belum decide la..haha..
i like the location!
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