Let's start the year with a big YE YE..
We had our 1st 2011 company meeting (Penang) yesterday and timely when the CEO was here visiting the branch...
As usual, he updated us with the company's target and plans for 2011..apart from updates, there were also announcements being made publicly and privately....guess the private part is very obviously la kan..salary increment!!!

We were craving for salary increment which we would usually be informed in Sep 2010 (
junior staffs were asking and as usual there were always a rumour or speculation to entertain your trust and confidence with the company) I knew there was going to be a very good news but I did not expect to be this good for me personally....I've been with the company for 5 years
so I'm being rewarded with a one off bonus as well as an additional 1 day off per annum commencing this year (
this gives me additional 2 days off per annum) This year I've been granted additional 5 days off thus making my Manager a little worry? I guess he is...he did mention this after the meeting that I have too many day off this year excluding the fact that I only work 4 days a week...moreover, I had been granted days off (twice) since the beginning of 2011 by the Management without my consent..haha...it is not that we have more man power at this moment though...coincidentally these 2 days off were given when the pay was triple!!! The Manager jokingly said, I have too much money (
The truth is, the Management tries to be fair to each employees in order to have a balanced triple pay a year..or else some body may request to work during triple pay just to get ahead of others) Well I wish I have too much money but thanks to God am quite happy I'm surviving the wild world with my current financial status...How's the salary increment? let's put it this way...encouraging!
Can't wait for the Bonus! I'm thinking of installing additional strut bar to my sport car or perhaps I will save it for something much more relevant - Holiday & Traveling!
I thank God, my parents' prayer and of course I thank myself for continuing to work hard in life!!
*Now thinking of winning Jackpot this year! If this were to happen, 2011 will be the greatest year to date then
Saya kau tia mau terima kasih sebab selalu suruh kau p kerja rajin2 cari duit? wakakaka...good for you...bask in it!
p/s makin kaya oh kau! wohoooo! where's is the beer? hahaha
Claire..haha..makin kaya kan..hehe...sia kasi tangkiu ko sebab kawan sia minum beer la..haha..beer??ko p ambil d tesco kasi masuk dalam buku sia d tesco..haha..
cool, loaded suda si wel!! hahaha
JerrySter..hehe..inda la ba loaded..mampu la..haha...
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