21st March...I was in Cambridge…it was early morning but there were lots of people enjoying their Saturday...I walked pass the market (Pasar Tamu) and saw many interesting stuffs i.e. iron-metal arts design, portraits, clothes, shoes, dvds, foods, flowers and antiques stuff….I wasn’t planning on buying anything except foods….I ate delicious hot-dog sold at the side of a road (the stall name is The Hot sausage) couple of you might knew or aware that I love the 1901 Hot dog very much...having the chance to eat a hot-dog at the side of a road (as what you've always saw in movies or on tv) was so great...I used to hang out (sit and eat) at the 1901 Hot-dog stall in Bukit Jambul shopping complex (the nearest shopping complex to my house; 3 kms) almost every weekend…too bad though, it’s been replaced by something that sells waffle since 2 years ago...the only places that I could enjoy the 1901 Hot-dog now (especially the New York Chicken) are at cinemas...sometimes I bought 2 of them!!
Itu tuuuuna la hot-dog saya makan..hehe...
lama juga saya bediri tengok and enjoy dengar dorang main ni...talented la juga..
Sana yang ada payung-payung pasar tamu lah tu...
yang ini paling tiba-tiba ni...mula-mula tiada tong sampah di sana..lepas 10 minit ada tong sampah pandai menyanyi...
The main attraction to me whilst window shopping was looking and thinking at how many original DVD I could possibly buy at cheaper price...I could get them at ₤3.00! However, I was in doubt about DVD player's compatibility in Malaysia…I’m aware that every country has its own region code and compatibility for every electric device...Malaysia is region 1 which could indicate our DVD player could only play DVD with the same region code?? Anyone knows about this???
Duduk-duduk makan lunch di tepi public park sambil menonton keindahan 'pemandangan'
Ganjil la pokok di sana...kau ingat tiada harapan lagi mahu hidup sebab tinggal ranting kering lagi..sekali ada bunga-bunga..pandai tu pokok-pokok menipu..
I think it was about 4:00pm that I decided to go home....I didn’t buy anything except foods for lunch and went to Sainsburry’s Supermarket to buy food supply in my room; orange juice, strawberries (my main fruit whilst in UK), junk food (pringles), ham and bread for a quick own-made-sandwich also some toiletries on my way back to the parking park...jalan punya jalan, sesat lagi...I couldn’t remember where was the parking park building….most of the buildings are look a like...dengan tenang aku imbas kembali the walking path I took (stage by stage) and managed to find the building...apa tidak sesat, di sudut bandar pula itu bangunan and kena lindung oleh bangunan lain…I went to the auto-pay machine and paid ₤7.20 for the parking!!!I spent less than ₤10.00 at Sainsburry’s Supermarket for all the stuffs I bought….cukup suda untuk makan 3 hari itu duit parking..haha...my journey back wasn’t that good...I was almost got caught by the “tiang bergerak” at the middle of the road…certain roads in UK have an access restriction; only public buses and registered taxis are allowed to get through the ‘gate'...I came out from a roundabout behind a public bus then entered a road next to a park where I saw a signboard showing “Haverhill A1307”, the place I needed to go…I didn’t even realize there have the ‘gate’ in less than 30 meters…I saw a bus in front of me and I was about 10 meters behind driving cautiously…suddenly I saw the "tiang bergerak" naik and turun once the bus left the ‘gate’….then that was the moment I saw the signboard about the access restriction on both left-right sides of the ‘gate’…I was thinking; If I go, the car might get hit by the ‘"iang bergerak" or if I reverse the car, I might get traffic fine by police....I drove slowly and saw the "tiang bergerak" descending slowly…I looked at the rear mirror, there I saw a public bus approaching...dengan leganya aku memandu seperti tiada apa yang terjadi..selamat juga lah...

Arrived at the hotel, resting and ate own-made-sandwich….later that evening, I went down to the hotel’s bar and had a very nice dinner; a steak and a pine of warm Guinness Stout which cost me ₤17.45 and ₤3.49 respectively..had a couple of cigarettes outside the hotel’s bar then went up to my room to get rest...
Naik perahu sendiri tolak...tengok itu stick penolak dorang panjang tapi sekali masuk dalam air, tinggal sikit lagi untuk pegang....dalam gila ni sungai...
22nd March...I woke up as usual that morning, 7:20am...I had nothing to do so I watched tv up until 9:00am then had my breakfast as usual at the hotel’s restaurant…I drove to Haverhill town but nothing was interesting….it was a Mother’s Day…then from Haverhill, I drove to Cambridge again…I had the hot sausage as my lunch in Cambridge…I would never get bored of eating that! Spent several hours there and I drove to Newmarket, Norwich…as a matter of fact, it is situated at the outskirt of Norwich and about 47 miles from Cambridge…I didn’t plan to go to Newmarket so I purposely left the camera at the hotel...Newmarket is a small country side town famous for horse breading and racing…I don’t know if any of you have really saw a real race horse but the horses I saw in Newmarket were huge and masculine….looking at the size of these horses reminds me of the movies like Braveheart, Gladiator and Conan The Barbarian…..spent about an hour there and drove back to Haverhill town then to the office (wanted to get familiar with the road for the next working day) before I went back to the hotel, I stopped at the nearby supermarket to buy 3 layers sandwich, orange juice, strawberries and Tabasco sauce for a dinner....perhaps due to the cold climate, I couldn’t get hungry or hungered for heavy food….it suits me well enough…I slept quite late that night at almost 2:00am but surprisingly I woke up very early the next morning at 5:20am to start my real purpose in UK...
Suhu di luar kereta di waktu siang....
Sejuk mata kiri kanan perjalanan hijau saja...
Sudi-sudi lah makan sweet-fresh strawberries
*Apology for the poor quality of pictures...am not an amateur and nor expert bah...it's the experience that counts...hehe...
To be continued...