Ba ok la….semenjak kebelakangan ini jumlah bilangan cicak yang menginap di rumah pun sudah semakin meningkat..mungkin begitu juga la blog saya ni kan…ada sudah sarang labah-labah..haha…
These past few weeks tiada juga yang interesting bah although I’ve just made one of my biggest decision in my life…sikit lagi tu duit dalam bank boleh sudah mahu masuk meminang ni..hahaha..mengkali la…bagus lagi enjoy kalau ada duit dalam bank..haha…
Recently we had a party here at the was nice to meet kawan-kawan lama dan baru…it was great sampai polis datang singgah mahu join..haha..padahal sikit lagi kana bawah naik pick-up polis gara-gara telampau bising…nasihat dia...jangan kamu teriak-teriak kalau malam…kesian jiran mimpi yang bukan-bukan…haha..
I’m so happy that my room is becoming a better place to rest on these days regardless of day or night…the current electricity bill isn’t bad at all..I was a little surprised myself…the different was just well above RM3!!! If this thing going to stay that way…I’m more than happy to enjoy the air conditioning all the far I’d say about 8-12 hours a day so…fingers crossed saja lah..
Damon, Elena a.k.a Katherine and Stefan

New recommendation…download The Vampire Diaries or buy the original DVD…worth watching…although the actor/actresses aren’t as hot as the Twilight’s but the story line kinda nice….the Salvatore brothers (
Stefan and Damon) have lived over 140 years (1864) as vampire and they’ve got so many past stories that slowly come to them…the lady who turned them into vampire named Katherine is apparently survived the 1864 massacre although the brothers thought she had been buried alive or locked underground 140 years ago…another lady named Elena (
Katherine’s resemblance – mimang lah bah perempuan yang sama) has gain some impression from the brothers because both of them have had an affair with Katherine in past (
Elena is Stefan’s girlfriend in current year)…so begitu lah cerita serba sedikit latar belakang cerita dia, macam sejarah lepas berulang…also most probably Katherine and Elena are blood related… the series was first released in October 2009 and the most recent episode (
Ep 22) was released in mid-May 2010…can’t wait the 2nd season…Katherine is back for vengeance…what would happen to Elena, the Salvatore brothers and the villagers...Could there be a love triangle…after watching The Vampire Diaries I felt bored watching True Blood..hehe
* Best juga kalau buli jadi vampire moden..buli keluar bersantai di siang hari..kesian vampire dulu-dulu...