I organised a decent party last Saturday and it was really a happy moment..coincidently, Jew’s cousin came down from KL so it was timely to hang out and catch up with him although it was the 2nd time I met him..few weeks before I bought a BBQ+Steamboat set which uses electricity and it serves us quite right these few occasions we’ve had…very easy to prep as long as you’ve got necessary ingredients ready in your refrigerator…to cut the story short..we had lamb, beef, chicken, asparagus and of course enough supply for beer...I'm so happy I've finally got a full Dragon Ball Collection (Original DVD) and it didn't take long for me to watch it until the end..Tangkiu to those who have contributed!!
sorry picture taken isn't that clear

That’s it…latest update sudah tu..hehehe..right! once again, many thanks for all the wishes..cheers chaps!