How was your Easter? Did you have great time?
Easter (Friday and Monday) was a bank holiday in UK & Oz so did the office here in, Jew and Joel had a decent seafood dinner at Bukit Tambun (Restaurant Gee Seng) , Seberang Perai on Saturday.....we haven't had dinner together like this for a while, having said that it was timely for us to get together but it wasn't the same as before....we used to go to this place years then with Brandon and Fabian..back then I used to eat a lot...I couldn't remember the exact moment but this year I seem to have less appetite for food....well, I always favour and love seafood...we had crab curry, butter prawns, steamed fish and of course a vegetable...we thought it may cost us over RM100 but it wasn't that extra rice and dish afterward (cost us about RM80) We returned home then we ended the night with cold beers..that's a must!
It was coincident the long break fell at the end of the month when my bank account has got a top-up, I didn't have to wait longer to move my ars and get out to spend on DVDs! I finished up 19 DVDs from Friday - Monday (The informant, Ninja, Astro Boy, Daybreakers, A Christmas Carol, From Paris With Love, Sherlock Holmes, Shutter Island, 14 Blades, The Blind Side, Julie and Julia, Precious, Alvin & The Chipmunks, New Moon, Swordfish, Jackal,Saturday Nigh Fever, There's Something About Mary, Dance With The Wolve and lastly Defendor) Have already watched some of them at cinema but re watched on DVDs felt better and of course the likes of Swordfish, Saturday Night Fever, Dance With The Wolve and Jackal - I couldn't resist to not buying the blue-ray DVD...was looking for many more old movies like Gone With The Wind and Sleepless in Seattle...I'm so going to buy new stock this weekend!
Weeks and months have passed and it seems to be very fast...we're entering the second quarter of year 2010 (following my employer financial year, not sure yours though) I'm sure each of us has had ups and downs during the 1st quarter and I'm quite grateful that I managed to go through with good results at the end of March! Good financial stats, peaceful work environment and good health to start the 2nd quarter...thanks to the never ending prayers (parents) and God willing...I could slowly see myself achieving those targets I have planned earlier this year...about to achieve 1 of them in near time soon!!
Jew in action (Earth Hour)

Bless the Earth! We had another Earth Hour last month and I felt great about my participation (
with Jew, Joel and of course Husky) I text some of my friends thought that could spark the spirit a little bit..making it more exciting! Wasn't it exciting to know someone's thinking of you when there's a world event going on?? If only I were working on that day, I would not have felt the excitement, would I? Can't we have a day without mobile/text?? That'll be interesting....Earth Hour at my house was held at 20:00 - 21:30 hours...too early tapi inda apa sebab ada cold beer hair is getting longer; have not planned on cutting just yet...
Wel has just woke up (sebab tu rambut ada belahan siring sikit..haha..)

May you have a great day!