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Monday, 24 May 2010

Cold Night

It wasn’t my highest priority and not even close to the top 5 priority list this year but I couldn’t ignore the fact that it is a convenience…

After careful thinking...I finally made up my mind...pushed the others to the bottom and brought this matter into real action…I’ve been sleeping with door opened for a few nights…I woke up sweating almost every day…at some point I had to sleep in the leaving room…I just couldn’t stand the heat anymore…

I am now able to enjoy cold night sleep with my new Panasonic air felt great although I feel like I’ve just wasted an amount of money when there are plenty more debts to pay…now I need to reorganize my monthly expenses to make it up…

This is my first air conditioner ever in my life so am sure you would understand how proud I feel about myself… I was imagining if I spent the money on DVDs…I could have achieved 2000 copies of DVDs in a month!!!

I’ve spent more than I should have this month!!! Bought a new air conditioner and flight tickets back to Sabah this June 3….thankfully the fight tickets for a detour weren’t so expensive…well it was RM300 lesser than the usual journey I would have taken (Penang–KK) I bought return flight tickets Penang-KL-KK…I should have bought these tickets earlier!! The usual journey is currently well over RM1000…my mistake so blame me..huhuu..

Now I have to…no! I must cut lots of bucks in June and July to recover…I should be able to do it if things go as planned…fingers crossed and blessing from God…next thing I need to keep an eye is the electricity bill! We are lucky as the electricity consumption at the house we’re renting is way below expectation (perhaps it's an average)…I really hope the new air conditioner isn’t going to cost me ridiculous charges next month…we’ll see...hehe…

Am so going to enjoy my sleep now…imagining buying a big LCD screen for my Desktop and an additional sound system to enjoy movies in my room again! Shit! That’ll be nice…feel like watching movies at to control myself now…hehe..temptation ni tau..

Friday, 14 May 2010

Giant's "Lucky" Experience

I'm not quite sure how to put this...shall I feel lucky about this or it was just another rare opportunity...

I was at Giant Hypermall half an hour ago shopping for some camping stuff...well the purpose was to find cheap fishing gears la...I finally bought a complete fishing gears which cost me just above RM80.00...once I've paid the goods and walked through to the exit I was stopped by this Chindian girl representing Oosis..she joked why I need to walk faster to avoid her as if I was running away from her..I was actually as I really dislike this kinda people who really persistent even after you've said you were not interested...

She then explained that their new outlet had just opened at Queensbay Complex and they're having some kind of promotion distributing vouchers for free...she explained further that I just need to fill up a simple form and pick 1 out of 4 sealed tickets....the vouchers are worth from RM100 - RM2988 and some others are discount vouchers up to 50%....we sat down and I filled up the form then answered 3 simple questionnaires then I picked 1 sealed ticket hoping to get the RM2988 voucher! I got a picture of Oosis Outlet without no details...the lady and her colleageus were wondering what it meant...I jokingly said did I just won your outlet?! That'll be awesome!! One of the guy then came and told me that I've won a 5 years royalty installment from Oosis...I didn't quite get now I was surrounded by 3 fellas....the lady and I believed her senior explained to me what I've just won...I've actually won a FOC products of theirs amounting RM6600 and ready to be installed as well as delivered to me today plus monthly royalty payment from Oosis for 5 years time...Cool!

Apparently there will be another 4 sealed tickets and I have to pick 1 of these...before we go further on these 4 tickets...they explained that every month I will receive a checque from Oosis for 5 years time..the terms are, a picture of me holding the 1st checque with a smile and I have to pay RM6000 to accept the offer..a one time payment RM6000 as an acceptance of the it sounded not so great isn't it! Well nothing is free in this world...let's move to those 4 tickets..each tickets have got a number in it...they are 12, 8, 6 and 3 representing "lot"...they explained that these lot numbers will determined how much royalty payment I were to receive every month...Lot 12(>RM900), Lot 8 (>RM600), Lot 6 (>RM300), Lot 3 (>RM150) their follow up action was showing me pictures of people who have accepted these offers and been receiving their checques every month...the highest amount of money I saw was RM19xx as that person has won the Lot 12...they then explained further about the royalty payment that the amount of money could go higher depending on the accumulative revenue from all outlet in the state where I won...having said that they told me in Penang alone there are about 7 outlets and winners from Penang so far had received well above RM1500 every month....

I was thinking about it over an over again...and decided not to accept wasn't an easy decision and wasn't easy to decline those 4 fellas...the Operation Officer at Queensbay's outlet came down to talk to me hoping I would accept the offer....he explained few options for me...I would have accepted the offer if I'm not in need of money right now...well I've just paid a deposit for booking and installing air conditioner into my room which cost me almost RM1000 (Grand Total) but this will only be available next week though...I was hoping to have it today but they couldn't make it today (workers fully occupied) also I needed money for next coming trip back to Sabah in June...although I have not bought a ticket as I blog!! (mau tunggu RM1000 baru mau beli kenen..ngok punya wel!!) If I were to have a very lucky day and win the Lot would the feeling be to have a checque totalling over RM1000 every month for 5 years coming to you without doing nothing???? Accepting the offer for a long term purposes could have been a great decision but I've had an experience to similar case or scenario..I rather decline such opportunity instead of risking my monthly financial allowances...what an offer!!!

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

3 Decades Life (Almost)

I’ve been very quiet about my career life these days …I was reading my last year’s posts and I thought I had been blogging a lot of my work…my dissatisfaction towards professionalism at work etc…I guess it was due to unsettling environment but I’m glad it all paid off quite well for me…

This year seems to be prosperous for me…glad that we finally found appropriate candidates who are now my colleagues…my main responsibility is to enhance their knowledge, to supervise their work and ensure work performance is improving…although I’ve been getting higher acknowledgment from the management yet I don’t feel like I’m at that level yet…there are plenty of rooms for an improvement...being with the same company for almost 5 years now…is like being loyal to your other half…haha..I could see what I have achieved in those years...I thought of myself being fortunate for the opportunity I’ve been given and that drives me to prove to others that whatever you’re doing…make the best out of it…you got to love what you’re doing or else you’re just a slave earning money at the end of the month trying to enjoy your life…macam pakar motivasi pula kenen..haha..well, I’m not the best person to give speech of career but one thing I’ve learned from experience…never give up…it doesn’t matter what people say about you but it matters what you think of yourself…you got to believe yourself and treat every mistake as another chance to learn to get yourself ready for next challenge…do remember though to admit and accept your mistake…challenge yourself to do things you not good at is one of my best education in life…by the time I review myself for a self appraisal, I couldn’t believe I actually did what I could have avoided years ago….

Perhaps some of my dearest friends have heard of this part of my life…since childhood I’ve always hated English but amazingly every English teachers I’ve known were kind and fond of me (male and female)…mesti sebab saya cute mungkin masa budak-budak kan..haha…my father even bought this English Learning Kit for me but I never cared and always got scolded because I didn’t do anything with it…the kit was full of cassettes and exercise books…I always tried to be a passive student when it comes to English at schools yet the teachers always found a way to get me involved….perhaps it was an advantage of being a cute man-child at that time among female teachers…during my secondary school, I was the ‘green board slave’…I became the English teacher’s secretary to write on the green board…I guess my hand writing was one hell of a kind for a cute-man-child at that time…it was something like a calligraphy..orang dulu-dulu bilang tulisan sambung a.k.a tulisan doctor…tapi tidak juga jadi doctor..haha..I don’t think I could write the same way I used to cause dulu-dulu selalu tulis surat cinta jadi banyak practice la…haha…nowadays we use email, e-card and most common is text messaging to express our feeling...we’ve been modernised!! Shit!! Another reason I could think of why these teachers were fond of me is, my father’s reputation as a teacher (Penolong Kanan)…although I wasn’t into the thing with being the son of a teacher but I’m grateful of being one…hehe…

Having said the above, would you imagine someone like me who hates English as I dislike peanut ended up working with UK based company (UK and Oz based customers)…Bahasa Malaysia becomes the 2nd language…It was very difficult for me when I first joined the company…I was fortunate, the management willing to send me off to British Council Class for 2 continue courses: Business Speaking and English Pronunciation…at first I didn’t care much and thought I was just a lucky bastard but when I was made aware of the cost for these courses (over RM7000) I was more than a lucky bastard!! When I thought of it…it was one of my turning points that made me think of my job more seriously…at that moment I was assured that the company isn’t just a company to hire people but a company who would enhance and shape you to be an invaluable and credible person...neither bond nor contract were signed for me to accept this good deeds from the company…being with the company for this long, one could assume that I have nothing more to learn…well, that assumption is incorrect…I’ve got so many more to learn and the management has been very supportive enough to bring new challenge as per my seniority status…There were moments when I felt depressed (early years) and both CEO as well as the Tech Director approached me and spoke to me as if they were my friends...This has never changed except that the Tech Director had left the company to pursue his own family business…I may be in my safe zone now but I honestly never thought of that way as I have not quite achieved some other aspects…I’m just glad that all this years I’ve never gave up with what I have started….

How long I’m going to stay with the company? That’s one of the question I was asked recently by one of the Manager in the UK…I couldn’t really give definitive answer but I responded by saying something “as long as I’m happy..both responsibility and new challenges...”