Weeks after week...life is getting busier than before...I know why and I don't want to complaint nor whining about that because I know it's a valuable experience in future time..I'm only a servant but at the same time I'm also the senior among others...I have to take care almost everything in the office..to be exact..I'm the acting Manager in the absence of my Manager..well he'll be back in October along with the Tech Director to conduct another interview session...we're expanding a'ight...
At first, I didn't even realize that when he took off (to UK) in July but weeks after week...especially in the past 3 weeks..I'm sort of losing balance..I really need a rest...I'm not feeling any stress nor tension, it just that my mind is so so tired...not my body or soul though..I can imagine that my mind (brain) is running almost 20/7 these days..I have to think, observe, analysis and execute the final result...these couple of weeks..although it was weekends..I still have to catch up with office stuff...I have to catch up with my team and during weekdays..I have to catch up on everything especially colleagues that needing help in consultation or office matters...I'm doing 4 responsibilities at a time....customer consultation, development, acting manager and a senior to my colleagues...they're fun sometimes but there were times when you think this is too much....thankfully I'm still able and managed to cope with these responsibilities...thanks to my patience and rationality..I handle or think things in a logical way possible..so it helps me a lot in making decision...
I really need a break...I still have a balance of 9 days off this year..I haven't had any plan but I may use them soon enough..nearest holiday I have would be on 25 & 26 Sept...which is in 2 weeks time...I have never applied sick leave nor emergency leave this year..actually I only had them like...1 for sick leave and 1 for emergency leave...since working for this company over 2 years ago...at the end of October 2008, it's already 3 years....I'm expecting another increment later that month as we would have an appraisal early this October...looking forward to that....perhaps another turning point in my career...*cross finger*
I'm giving this post a title of "Life or Live on.." because sometimes I think it is our natural life perspective that we need to work to earn money or work hard to achieve something but at some other time..it could be just a 'thing' that we have to live on with what so ever we have in order to continue our life..more likely as surviving pula.....I really need a break and think of my life in another different perspective...I'm going in the right path but perhaps I may need to revalute my life...
Wel,i hope they dont make interview for that post,kasi saja ko terus. You deserve it. :)
Jgn sampai hidup utk kerja wel.
interview for what post mell?..absolutely no! I know whats the post for..haha..I'm going to be one of the interviewer jg according to plan..coz its for my team..hehe..2 developers and another 2 supports.haha..
sia hidup untuk cari duit mau beli beer..haha..hidup untuk apa mell??
:) hope there will be an increment for you soon..*amen* lain kali sia p penang minta belanja ko ah! ekekeke
hehe...kerja keras nampaknya ni...jgn lupa kumpul duit byk2 k...paling kurang ada 10tiang jg tu d kampung...hahaha
it's a great exp & its gud 4 jg...:)just dont forget to live the other life u r missing la...hahaha ada ka gitu...jgn keja sda ba wel...;p
*keja sja
sa paham juga tu dude..i need to take another long break juga nie hehe
Si claire suda mjawab soalan sy. keke.
Ko ni beer jak..sedap lagi stout..bikin tambah darah..hahaha.
what u need is rest...holiday, babes, beach and so on..aiks mcm menyuruh2 sj kan.bah pigilah melancong dlm negara cuti2 malaysia wel, kesian ko ni sia tinguk...seriously Wel, pack ur thing this weekend and go somewhere enjoy ur life..
bah next time jgn ambil pekerja yg terpaksa kana baby sit ba...kau ini...kakaka...as for me, i'm not only doing my job but i'm taking care of my manager as well....lagi teruk kan?...tp malas mau cakap ba...immune to the situation already....hehe
Tiapa wel, beauty work with beauty reward tu. Hopefully ada increment so bleh la kena blanja kepada mereka yg memerlukan. Haha menginas saja keraja ni...
ok dari bawah la ah..
madpie...nice butul saying ko kan.."beauty work with beauty reward"..yes..we work hard for the better reward jg ba..and most of all for us to improve not d level yg sama sja kan..menginas?haha..sia pun menginas diri sendiri...
sweetie...thats true jg la..hope ikut plan la..so I can contribute some of whom I want to work with..haha....tp inda bgs jg tu..manatau ada sumandak cantik..hehe..pilih kasi pula tau...but mimang la..we work not to jaga orang ba..we jaga diri sendiri and jaga our kerja..
urangranau....wish la byk duit joy..ko kasi beli sia tikit la tuk 25&26 sept..plan mau p tinguk F1 pun macam gagal suda..belanjawan tersasar butul ni tau..semenjak tinggal ruma 'besar'..haha..apa tdk 2 org sja bayar semua mcm kawin suda pula sia sama si Mr jewin ni tau..haha..
mell..apa soalan ko mell..haha..butul la ba tu.hidup bukan tuk keja...but honestly..i'm a workerbeerkoholic..haha....sedap ba beer...stout?kalu sia jadi kaling ko masi mau ka mell..haha..
jerry..yeah..I really need a break la..punya best kalu buka sja tu lemari..bergelimpangan tu duit rm100 d dalam mau keluar..haha...mau p minum beer pun si claire inda mau belanja..haha..
claire..ba mana ni claire..ada promotion hari raya ni sekarang sia buat.haha....untuk ko sia kasi turun..haha..jd..10 butul kan..baru ko buli kurik rahsia jiwa nurani sia.hehe..
kadusmama..of course ada increment...last year I had 4 times increment..this year gawat kan pasal myk so kurang la..but atleast ada..company has a bigger plan for us here..and me..hehe..
wel, i think we both are in the same place at this point of time. my TM (team manager) also went off for her maternity leave and all of a sudden i'm in charge. it took me a while to adjust, nearly break down but still refused to cry. it's tough but it's our job. sometimes, i feel it's US. we like to do things 100% right.
i do asked myself, why am i working this hard? and i also have a balance of 8 days, tia tau apa mo buat. do something out of our norm, perhaps? go exercise?
give us some time cause after all, we are humans, we need to be motivated to motivate others. hopefully in time, when we are fully charged we can post a happier post?
btw, i was also planning to post the same thing you wrote here. how ironic.
vera..ya la....seems like life is more about working and playing ur role at work place this time around..probably due to period jg ba that we're more mature to think of our responsibility and take it seriously..compared to other that come to work to work but learn nothing out of it...
ironic?ahaha.we are not too different actually...we both work in the same line...dealing with customer..entertaining customer to be precise..haha...thanks that this weekend..I can really rest my mind and just hope that I have lots of money so that I can take any flight for a quick break away..haha...
I think you're correct about doing things 100% correct...I really am even a small glitch is not acceptable...
we're coming to the point where life is not as before suda kali ni vera..haha..
omg wel!! Matang suda kita ni. Kaka.
Pandai berfikiran jauh ke hadapan.
And i agree with u 100% :)
ahaha..we're matang suda kan..maksud dia tua suda la tu..cis.haha..our mind is mature enough ba but mesti jg mau enjoy...ahaha...
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