After almost a year waiting and last…PB starts its 4th season!! I really have no idea what to expect in this latest season but I really hope its not another slow-boring-story-telling as in the 3rd season..still, the 1st is always the best….betul ka ni 1st always the
As per rumors..yeah..Sara is alive…pity Michael if Sara is really dead…belum lagi ter’chance’ dating pun..he.he..that means Sara and Michael are reunited..Yeas and not only them..Michael and Lincoln are reunited with Mahone, Bellick and Sucre as well…many says that in the 4th season, the story would be totally different than the other…well as I have read several of the synopsis for the latest season..I must say..they could be right and I can’t seem to find a good reason to why so sudden that they work together as a team to retrieve a computer card with valuable information to the the homeland security agent they’re dealing with this time…well they are actually being put under scrutiny observation by the Government for a deal that none of them couldn’t agree more.. freedom for life or painful death in return if they pull this off.
Wenworth Miller or mostly known as Michael Schofield is GAY? People are talking about this out there..not Malaysia but in the State la..however, he doesn't seem to care or mind about the rumors and had clarified saying he’s not gay…
Maybe most of you never knew that he’s part African American+Jamaican+English+German+French+Dutch+Syrian and Lebanese…I’m not really sure myself but that’s what I’ve read about him…Cool huh…macam mana la dia buli jadi rojak ni..ha.ha..
Looking forward to watch PB!
buli thn jg la 1st time sy rasa...hahha
buli tahan?ahaha..adakah yg 1st ko cakap ni yg sia pikir claire..haha....
sy sda habis tgk season 3...hehe. nda sabar mau download season 4 tp baru ja kana tayang on the 1st sept di UK.
sarah tancredi nda mati ka? nda logik jgk kepala dia ampai2 ba hari tu...mebbe making a come back as a different character?
klu dia gay pun sy nda kisah jgk...bukan hensom....kekeke...cute lagi c lincoln burrows...yg ajen kim tu pun cute ba tp mati sda....
ahh si michael gay??? oh tidak, mcm ni inda jadi la kami mo register ni bulan lima tahun depan..uwaaaaa..tskkk keciwa sia..
yeah..suda habis download 2 eps..hehe..
sweetie..logik ba..ko pecaya di kunun kalu kepala dia dalam pic saja pun kana tunjuk..hehe..ok ba jg si micheal...haha..sepa ko minat ni sweetie?haha..
hi urangranu..entah la..ko reg suda ka.haha..alala..inda apa ba tu..reg hari ni next week putus la..dapat jg bahagian ko..haha..
wel sy minat yg karas saja....kakaka. sy suka yg macam jason statham ba yg berlakun ba body dia..wakakaka
paling sy benci dan geli tengok c bellick....rasa mau hantuk2 tu kepala dia...bkin panas...kaka
wel better translation is bolos penjara...kekeke
sweetie..aha..bolos penjara tu telampau ikut kamus ba sweetie...sia kan urang sabah jd ikut yg bahasa pasar translation kunun word by word..haha..
ko suka yg karas..haha..susa la ni..haha..ko bilang ko suka si bellick..
suda sia tinguk...ok jg la starting dia..emmm...
Kenapa sa tidak dapat cari di mana mau download? Pi buat FTP ... sia pun mau download nih/... sia guna limewire inda dapat nih...
welcome rayns..haha..limewire teda..mustahil..sia guna torrent...limewire kalu ikut pengalaman la...dulu2..byk lagu kurang sikit..beralih la ke torrent..haha.
rayns..oh ya..ftp?haha..bikin susa sja.byk jg d internet ba tu..hehe..rajin2 sja mencari.ada jg direct download guna rapid... woo.. sia sudah tinguk yang latest episode ntuk season4 ni(episode 3)... ades... berdebar debar sudah sia..
LETT...try carik dalam isohunt...sementara masih panas...nanti kurang sudah seeder nya tuh...
"new mission , with more running"
Episode 3 !!!!..buli tahan jg ni..makin menarik....but the title mau tukar suda la bukan lagi prison break punya cerita ni..hehe
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