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Wednesday, 20 January 2010

20 Days 20 Nigths in 2010

Test 1..2…3…test…

Wah…20 days suda inda mengupdate blog o….tidak banyak kejadian mungkin..atau tiada apa yang mau di cakap…mungkin juga teda mood mau menulis atau mungkin suda boring dengan apa yang terjadi di persekitaran terutamanya isu-isu dalam Negara….Sia rasa permulaan 2010 kali ni agak baik berbanding 2009 lepas….bukan mau kasi banding tapi every year..kita buli agak-agak suda what might or could happen kalu awal tahun lagi macam-macam suda kejadian di tempat keja kan…so for me this year…it was just nice….gembira juga sebab junior staff suda pandai berdikari instead of depending too much on me...mimang banyak lagi durang mau improve tapi after 5 months with them..I think they're doing quite good…susah juga young lads ni kan…ada saja free masa untuk curi tulang mimang automatis digunakan untuk curi tulang juga instead of doing something worth for their knowledge enhancement….

My health this year…I think I might get ill beberapa kali…last week I was not feeling well on Tuesday and yesterday I started to feel warm then sneezing…hari ni kerongkong mula rasa-rasa lain suda….macam antibody suda lemah sikit…need to do something la this….need to eat more fruits and minum more beer..haha…

My financial…too early to tell…but I don’t think it would make any different this year..maybe a little tight this year la.….ada beberapa plan dalam kepala and hopefully I can make them all come true la (house, kereta, kapal terbang, bot, perabot and etc)….buy that and this…pay that and this…paling benci mau membayar income tax every month..macam makin lama makin banyak pula tau…I never really care pasal my pay slip as long as I got paid tapi since beberapa bulan lepas…I began to check few details and I found out my income tax getting higher pula tau…mau juga jadi rakyat yang baik berbakti untuk Negara kenen bayar tax tapi kalu income tax almost and sometimes over 10% off net income sepa la buli tahan kan…I need to check with the management la this…sayang tu duit tu tau…huhu…

Husky the bengong….we left him selama 17 hari di boarding place for dog…when we came back and picked him up…wow! I was a little disappointed with the service…we pay RM17 per day for him to stay there but he ended up kurus kering compared to when he first went there… entah la…kana kasi makan kah tidah…when we got home…makan dengan lahapnya..minum dengan ketara inda cukup makan di sana….RM17 per day is more than enough for a man to survive but a dog??

Isu semasa…”allah”….am not qualified to comment pasal ni tapi tertarik di hati apabila isu ini menjadi sangat besar when it shouldn’t…when people ask my opinion on this…I explained to them..I don’t really care…I don’t mind if we couldn’t use it or can use it…I can have “Wel” as a replacement to “allah” if I want not jadi macam sia k…ajaran sesat but it’s in your heart not mouth that matters…if you say your God’s name “Wel”, believing and thinking of your God...would that really make a different…well, I just know that we cannot samakan God to another….but by calling “Wel” as a name to God I don’t think it would create 2 Gods kan…when I read pasal ni over the internet…mimang ada yang bikin panas tapi durang pun manusia…we all banyak kelemahan and until we accept our kelemehan….I don’t think this issue can be resolved…

Today…am not quite well..macam ada tanda-tanda sakit kerongkong suda..huhu…mau p bili beer la ni..nasib lagi hari ni am off…my manager is on Holiday for 2 weeks since last week so every authorization has to go through me if it comes from Penang…today plan mau rest saja sambil-sambil tinguk DVD (marathon)..hehee..

So 2010..things am looking forward to...Schumi is back in the pit lane of Formula 1 race...I'm so excited about this as he's a living F1 legend (he won races and championships more than anybody in F1 history) this could be interesting...since his retirement, I totally ditch the F1 live telecast from my favourite channel to watch but not this year I guess..he's hunting for the 8th Championship and predicted he could do it within his 3 years contract with Mercedes....and of course weddings...May/June..August...Nov and last of course December...December is packed with wedding; my bro, my old school mate and a friend...wah looks like I have to travel back to Sabah couple of times la this worries as long as I could be with them..hehe..a'ight..chao!


Claire said...

kau tiba2 berdiet ba tu sy rasa...kau satu kali makan sja ni kan sejak balik penang..berbanding kalau di sabah setiap satu jam makan...ekekke

p jugging la ba wel. :D

Wel^Beiolman said...

Claire..mungkin jg..haha.atau kurang beer..haha...mcm cepat sakit pula sekarang ni maybe sebab panas n jerebu ba tu..hehe..

nanti mo p jugging la ni kenen...hilang suda 6 pacs sia kan..haha..