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Friday, 23 April 2010

God Willing

God willing I will collect my winning money of RM1.2 million at the end of this week!

I'm so going to enjoy the RM1.2 million for the rest of my life...a nice house of my liking, appropriate car(s) to move around, pay all my debt and of course travel around the globe to see the world we're living...

A very nice dream! Punya angan-angan melampui batas...not a fault to have a dream ba kan..hehe...God willing...

Do you know how irritating it is being phoned in 3 times in 4 days just before 12pm??? I don't mind if calls coming from office or families but 3 times in 4 days?! Are you kidding me??? Do they have a season or something like that to phone people around with 'great' offer?!!

The stories goes like this...Monday at about 11:30am when I was asleep...a Chinese lady rang in introducing herself calling on behalf of CitiBank sub-co with this great deal of offer...rather than paying monthly credit card charges with no benefit, they've got this new deal of paying credit card charges for future saving...doesn't it sound just interesting..I decided to get off my bed and listened to her amount of money will be credited to my CitiBank credit card on monthly basis and after 9 years of doing so, I'll get a cheque of the actual total amount of money I may have paid within 9 years plus 20% interest!!! I refused to accept the offer several times with my reasons..I've just cleared my CitiBank credit card outstanding balance recently and looking into this offer it may not be that bad..yet what's the point of having zero outstanding balance if I start to charge the card on monthly basis for something I didn't use...let's say at this moment it may not harm me financially but shit happens without fine day I may lose to temptation and end up charging the credit card for something I could have avoided...and thinking of 9 years paying credit card debt what's that to be called as great offer?? Although I have said it clearly I do not need it as I find it not helping but the lady kept on with her 'sweet talk' and after careful thought of its T&C..I decided to say the word but I'm so going to cancel within few weeks...the unnecessary charge will then be refurbished into my credit card!!!

Wednesday at almost the same range of time just before 12:00 Indian lady phoned in introducing herself from an insurance company formerly known as AIG on behalf of Reader's Digest....I've expected what she was about to tell me and straight away I said..I'm not interested but she didn't give up..she insisted to explain its policies and benefits etc before I make a decision...I listened to her explanation then at the end of it (after almost 10 minutes) I said I've already got an insurance and I don't need insurance no more...I wonder what kind of training she's gone through, she was so adamant that the policies is way better than most policies out there and it is always better to be covered by multiple insurance....I asked her what's the point of having 2 or 3 insurance if none of these are actually being fully utilised annually...well, few months ago I've received a 20% ROI cheque from one of my insurance provider as I've never claimed anything within its 3 years coverage and am still paying as I blog...did you see the point of having couple of insurance when the existing insurance never even being touched or's rather another burden paying an extra expense every month....I then remembered that I once got an insurance from AIG which I cancelled after 2 months as I didn't think beneficial for me...even if I were involved in an accident or admitted to hospital (touch wood), would you go calling each of these insurance companies claiming for money...yes I would but don't you think it's more convenient to have a single insurance policies that could cover your requirement and effectively beneficial to you and may sound like I were to become an Ah Long claiming insurance money from these companies and get frustrated when the process being delayed...they should have prepared a better introduction and targeted people who doesn't have life insurance at all..something like have you insured you health or family members..if yes or no then proceed with another questionnaire before wasting their time with no win situation prospect like me...this time I was very rude by saying something like I'm not interested at all although the offer is great..I'm covered and don't need to waste money to pay for another one....

Thursday and this time it was before 11:00....surely I was asleep and I had a very nice dream when my mobile was ringing...a Malay man called in introducing himself on behalf of some travel agency company..I didn't remember the company name but I did remember the company is working together or supported by the Malaysian Tourism to encourage Malaysian to travel with great deal of offer for holidays...I lied by saying I've got membership with other travel agency and I love what they're offering me so I'm not interested to have another membership card or deal...he tried to persuade me with its benefit but I insisted that I'm not interested and I've got things to do...he gave up and I went on continue my tidur-tidur ayam...

I'm not sure what's going on if they've got this season pula...3 calls in the same week!!! why not a call telling me that some old billionaire hasn't got heir to her/his money and I've been so lucky to be picked up as the sole heir...why not a call telling me I've been selected as the Reader's Digest grand prize winner of RM750,000.00!!! God willing...

I'm so looking forward this and Jew have already planned to go for a short camping trip at Pantai Kerachut....God willing, others will join to be cloudy and windy so tidak la hangus tebakar bersantai di pantai...It's my day off today and next Monday so I've got couple of planned things to do today or so like...renew my bike's insurance and road tax, shopping for tent+sleeping bag+camping gears, buy DVDs, clean the house, go to car workshop for a check-up...maybe I'll buy a crate of beer for the camping trip as a day-to-day drinking water....we already got a litre of Chivas to help us go through the night at Pantai Kerachut..hehe...

Have a great weekend chaps!


Claire said...

Have fun! :)

Punya la bikin meradang tu kan yg slalu call memaksa dgr psl tu insurans..

sweetie~ said...

pantai kerachut? mcm

bah lau ko mnang loteri jgn lupa sia arr...i'm willing to be ur slave....huahahahahaha...

Wel^Beiolman said...

Claire...haha...mimang memaksa la durang..kimbets betul..haha....ko inda join ka claire..takan takut hitam atau ko inda besa yg teda tilam mau tidur malam..haha...

Sweetie...hehe..ko mesti perna pigi sna first time kenen mau p sna ka tu..hehe...apa pun go green!!

TaQuiLa said...

bikin panas kan kalau u've got calls from 'em. yang sa nda suka dorang mo paksa2..but then, mg gitu la ba skop kerja dorang.huhu

up to one level sa perna leave the hp while he was talking panjang pula siok2 tinguk tv..akakkakaa

Lett said...

Sia pun pernah tuh Well... sia listen saja but once sia cakap inda mau, durang tetap paksa sia dengan soalan why why why.... sia trus tutup tuh telefon while they were still talking. banyak sudah sia buat mcm nih... well, dont blame me for being rude.

Wel^Beiolman said...

Lett...punya jahat ko..inda sopan o..haha...inda ba...ok ba..mimab bikin gerigitan durang ni..durang buat keja tp inda paham durang kasi susah org lain..mau hit target tp kasi susa hidup org lain..haha...biar la durang..durang pun mau hidup jg..hehe.