A tiring trip to KL last week..plus the day light saving time for UK shift this week onwards...really gave me a quite hard time to adjust my body these past few days...speaking of UK shift...On Monday onwards, the shift will start from 5pm and finish at 1am in the morning..if i have plenty more things to do then I will end up 2am or more....perhaps I had prepared for the changes to take effect and managed to go back 10-15 minutes before 2am this whole week...on Friday night, I arrived home as late as 2:40am due to several things especially sending out Development & Support Team's reports accordingly....well, I wouldn't want to change the state of my mind from weekday to weekend if there's thing needing looking and completion..maybe I was hoping for something that night that I had a feeling someone at home were drinking...I was true....haha..we call it "kosingud" in Dusun language...haha...Mr Jew and his cousin (currently undergoing some kind of programme in USM) were drinking..I saw there was a crate of beer and according to them, they had started earlier and had drank more than a crate...I asked where's Mr Joel...he was asleep as he had to work tomorrow morning.....then I chatted with them..and went up to my room to sleep...do you think I would really do that?? then it's not me at all..haha..so I joined them..gave them a helping stomach (I'm not giving my hand to help instead of giving my stomach to fill up the beer in)..drank about 5 cans for the night..good enough for me to fell dizzy and sleepy.....cheers to that!
So, how was my weekend so far? nothing much...as per planned, I stayed at home...resting and doing some house chores..kasi bersih semak samun dekat gate...up to this moment, I still have nothing to do...Mr Joel proposed (last night) to watch the latest James Bond movie today...I'm not in a mood to go out right now but I wouldn't know later this evening..I was actually expecting a PC to be delivered to me since yesterday..Mr Brandon's friend was asking if I could help looking at his PC....there seems to have some major problem as he couldn't switch on the PC at all....of course there's power but it doesn't want to boot etc...I have no further details at the moment so I couldn't really say what is happening....
I'm currently doing a facial treatment..hehe..why? you guys think only women will do facial treatment? Conservative betul la...as I've said before...I'm a very simple guy...still, self-presentation is as important as making sure yourself is clean....haha...I have some kind of sun burnt on my nose ba..so the black spot as well as some black heads needing removing and cleaning..so why not when I have nothing to do kan....last night I had a steam treatment and now I'm waiting for my mask to dry..a traditional mask by using the egg white...I'm sure most women are aware of this method and its benefit to our skin (a prime facilitator in skin tightening and rejuvenation)...because I need to remove those black heads, I opted for facial tissues and thankfully I still have enough to get this done..hehe...we can use egg white as a cream though..I was once a "model" for my sisters and mum for facial practice..haha..but I love it when they do facial treatment as well as hair treatment on me..I could barely remember at some point I fell asleep whilst they were doing their free treatment..haha...those were the days when I was a little boy..my mum used to pull out any unhealthy hair if she spotted one...or sometimes she will check my scalp..cari kutu?No...haha..she was looking for dandruff...and if she found any, she cleaned that spot and asked me to wash+clean my head+hair...hehe...
I'm off now..my mask is already dried..need to take shower now..hope you guys had a great weekend!
I'm off now..my mask is already dried..need to take shower now..hope you guys had a great weekend!
I've watched the movie..not bad..3 out of 5 la...action mimang best tp too direct and quite simple story line..
pundan juga ko ni wel?buat facial treatment?hahahaha....nda ba,.nanti ko tulung buat utk sia juga la k..ko ada juga tu berus warna besar utk bikin paitung rupa ba kan?hahaha....
Jew..haha..kindets ko jew..haha..teda benda mau buat ba.apa salah masuk salon persendirian kijap kan..haha...ko tau jg sia ada tu berus ka..haha...taie ko la minta buat..sendiri buat..haha..
Ok bah buat facial treatment. Dia urut2 tuh muka sampai di leher. siok tuh. kadang2 terangsang so bagus ko pakai jeans. And yg paling sa inda suka dia kasi asap tuh muka sampai inda buli benafas.
sia pun ada buat dulu tapi sia berenti sebab sa teda masa. Tulah muka sa masih garagadon ni sampai sekarang.
Tunggu dulu sampai sia dapat kerja yg nama dia FLEXIBLE HOURS.... baru sa sambung buat balik facial treatment sia.
Sia kira mau pi gym pun inda kesampaian. rasa melebihi gym pula kerja dalam kompeni sa....
rayn....hahaaha..napa cerita kita sal facial treatment ni..hehe..
siok tu rayner..sampai mau tekencing..haha..alala..mesti durang tau jg tu rayn...durang pun suda agak ba tu..haha..
weekend ok ba..once a month pun ok la..sendiri buat lg best ba...hehehe..inda payah mahal2...beli sja apa yg patut..mcm kertas pasir yg nipis dan sedang2 kasar...pelan2 kikis buli jg tu..haha..
but facial treatment is not a bizarre thing to any gender these days..
o fuck! lol u r a prep.. a hard one.. lol jk jk jk.. haha!! wel jan ko panas.. lmao!!.. ^_^ Feminist-kinda-type-of-guy O_O"" mcm david beckham.. O_O"" (glup) lol.. im not shock.. lol
hahah!! ^_^ la la laa.. siou kio.. jan ko panas.. ;) any way.. ;)
heheh buli tahan juga ko ni kan wel.. buli detect urg minum kaa tia d uma.. hahah!! ^_^ bbkk baaa.. lmao!! ^_^
p/s: great that u're enjoying ur life.. O_O"" :) nice one wel.. :)
beck....walawei..napa la sia masi susa mau faham ni comment ko beck..haha...ba sorry if im being david beckham ba beck..haha..sebab inda ensem mau terai menjadi ensem la ni.........motivational..haha..
oh sia tau suda apa tu maksud prep ko..mati2 sia cari n thanks jg..haha..what a definition there...motivational ba tu beck..haha..
im trying to enjoy every fucking second of my life....hehe...
haha..panjang ko punya cerita kan tp cerita yg facial jg yg menarik perhatian org ramai.haha..
Ok baitu wel,teda hal la ba lelaki mau bikin facial treatment. tp kalau ur face lebih licin dr muka sy,tergugat la reputasi ku.haha..jgn selalu bikin ah..hahaha..ada la perubahan sebelum dan selepas kenen? kasi tgk la ba. jgn ko segan silu sana.
hahahha..funny c mell..haha
tp mmg btl jg la..mana blh melebihi...
sorry nda sempat p ruma kamu..sy mo bw lunch jg ba tu..sy d area sana jg masa tu tp telampau paning sda kepala then direct blk sja la..hehe
Mell...haha..entah la mell..last serita sal facial.haha..ok ba facial..sepa ppn suka bf dia nda mau jg kulit muka or cleanliness mimang sia salute la..hehe..ada ka tu ah..haha..lelaki yg inda jg kulit mimang ada jg ba..pilak pun ada penjagaan kulit..haha..
inda la halus ba mell..atleast inda la mcm tu semen yg kasar ba..haha..yg best..segar rasa dia..hehe..sekadar menyegarkan muka ok la ba..haha..
Claire...haha...ko d penang pula ka..inda kisah ba tu claire....jan la ko rasa besalah inda singgah sini ba..bukan selalu jg ko dtg..jd mcm normal la..kalu ko datang mimang ada beer..so nasib la..tecapai jg hasrat sia mau restkan badan.....enjoy life k claire..even inda enjoy kita kasi enjoy jg..
nda enjoy? hehe..mari cni sy tulung kau kasi enjoy..haha mo bergete dlu kijap..esok mau tuesday sda...ahahahha
Claire..haha...sia gete tahap ganas ni kama..haha.....mcm mana ko mau kasi enjoy sia ni claire..hehe....
hahahha....jaga kau................hahaaha
Nahhhh gete sorang model berfacial yang terlampau ka tajuk dia ni wel? hehe ngam ba ko berfacial tu..sy pun dulu2 masa bujang selalu pakai tu badak sejuk beras punya tu...tapi sudah lama ditinggalkan la...tahap gaban juga six sense ko pasal org moginum ni? keke
Claire...buli ka ko jaga ni kalu suda mengganas..haha...dari facial p horny..adada..haha..
wah sy suka lelaki yg menjaga penampilan....tp jgn la smp mengalah kan pompuan...hehe. sy suka lelaki yg bersih....kulit bersih dan segar....nyaman utk "dihidu" muahahahaha.....
ada kwn lelaki sy dulu....uina dia ada one set bah penjagaan muka....dgn cream2nya skali....tp takut jgk kana cop gay kan klu melebih2....
ada satu kawan lelaki lagi....fuyooo mandi lebih satu jam.....dia gosok2 smp bersih....aduh sy pun kalah oooo....tp ragu2 jgk apa yg dia gosok2 tu kan? hahaha
Sweetie..hi sweetie..rindu sia lama ko ndada..hehe..ya la some people ingat facial tuk lelaki mcm pundan ba..haha..malang betul nasib badan..tp sebenarnya..kalu pakai santik2 pun..baju seluar berjenama tp kulit muka or cleanliness inda kana jaga apa la guna..huhu..being david beckham ada bgs jan saja telebih p beli gincu sbb bibir hitam hisap sigup.haha..
sweetie.lama jg kawan ko mandi tu..sia pun sangsi apa d gosoknya la...mau jg tulung gosok tp makin lambat pula mandi susa lg...
satu set?wahahaha.....gila la...sia rasa cosmetic product paling bgs sia pena cuba anew jg la..hehe..
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