This week alone I'm kind of free and lazy (I hadn't felt this for quite some time...) days in the office were slow as there was not much work to do (read last week and this week's newspapers, reviewing development works and sleep...hehe) home, most of the time, I was in front of my PC or lying down on my bed watching anime (one that I like)..I haven't completed downloading the entire episodes though...I began watching this anime on last Sunday when there was nothing to do...well to be was more like a re-watch...I first watched it a year ago (I borrowed from one of my friend who has over hundreds of anime DVD collection – downloaded+burned la bukan original..hehe) Currently,I have watched up to the episode 64 (out of 75 episodes) I will certainly finish watching this by today...then, I look forward to watch another anime entitled “Midori No Hibi"...also a re-watch but first I will need to download episodes by episodes….the same I did for Hikaru No Go as it will take ages to download the whole collection at once...
Hikaru Shindo is just a normal twelve year old Japanese boy. But, one day, as he's going through his grandfather's old things to see what he can sell, he comes across an old Go board. A ghost type figure comes out of the board and tells Hikaru his sad story. His name is Fujiwara no Sai (or Sai of the Fujiwara), a man who was the Go Instructor, a thousand years ago, to the Emperor of Japan. However, Sai was falsely accused of cheating, and was exiled from the city. With no reason to live, Sai committed suicide by drowning himself. Now, he haunts a Go board and wants to achieve the perfect Go game, a move called the "Hand of God." He hopes to do this through Hikaru. Thus this story of growth, learning, and excitement begins...
If you look at it..I think this board game Go is also known as Othello board game (western)….also as ”perang-perang”among budak-budak sekolah in the late 80’s and early 90’s….I used to play this game using my math’s exercise book (yang petak-petak kecil)….where players will use the marks of ‘x’ and ‘o’ to mark and differentiate their territory..masih ingat kah ni…only mereka yang membesar di zaman tertentu saja tahu ni…I think in the late 90’s the game has lost its popularity and I would not be surprised if most kids today does not have any idea of this game at all…pity you all…..
Have a great weekend peeps!
Wah..mcm syiok. Ko la sumber info sy kalu pasal anime(s) ni. Btw, ko suda jumpa la itu anime yg u asked me dooolo.. pa sudaitu? One Touch? Hmm, x ingat.
Tu Sassy Girl (US version) kana adapt from yg Korean kaitu??
Madpie..suda sia agak u will be d 1st ni.haha..
Siok ni madpie..tinguk la...sia tanya ko..apa tu ah..takan la one piece kan.senang mau dapat tu..entah sia pun lupa.heheehe..
ko belum pena tinguk my sassy girl ka madpie.adada...ya siok tu.korean kena remark p us version...inda sedar suda kuar o..korean siok la..hehe cute d girl..
bah,mari la kita lawan tu game x-o wel..selagi tu buku petak2 belum habis jgn kita bhenti,amacam? haha.
Mell..ko pun pena main ka tu mell..main lawan2 negara kenen..ingat lg tu sampai penuh ba tu buku main tu sja..haha..beli buku petak2 tuk ni sja ni..haha..
^_^ haha.. my age still not that pity laa baa wel.. lol hahah i mean for that games.. hehe.. ^_^ i've been expose to this thingy too n we called it the black n white games.. hehe.. so how is the anime..? ok kaa..? im not a fav to this thingy but.. ntah laa kalau ada ampai2 mkin tinguk juga tu.. lol ^_^
happy weekend si wel.. ;)
Beck..haha..beck..u also pena main that game ka..pity o yg lahir sekarang ni..main guli kali pun teda suda..haha..
anyway..d anime is n good for relaxing..hehe...
happy weekend beck!
lawan la kalau berani! hahaha
Claire..napa pula inda berani..kalah buka seluar ah claire..haha..
set! hahaha kasi set date la claire..haha..jan ko sengaja pakai byk seluar ah..byk kenen baju belapis lapis..haha..
sa rindu mau tingu anmie!! LOL...
tu game x-o sa selalu kalah.. (bendera putih)...
ko ingat ka tu game yang lukis urang2 di buku latihan, then mau kasi tembak2 (lukis dot di page masing2, then lipat. Kalo tu dot kena urang2 ko, dikira mati la tu askar ko).. ah yang itu sa terrer.. LOL
Kuai..ko selalu kalah ka kuai.adada..sia kasi ko menang la kalu lawan ko.hehe..
lukis urang kana timbak..apa ah..mcm ada o jg.hehe..sia betul lupa ni nama dia kuai..ko siasat mcm best jg tu game tu..
hahaha... sa pun lupa bah nama dia wel... selalu kena mara sigu pasal bikin sayang tu buku latihan...
awas kama... ko pura2 kalah nanti ah..:)
Kuai...ya kan kuai..sia pun betul2..inda ingat o....lepas kasi titik2 tu kasi sambung kan tu..haha..ok ba kuai..kalo tuk ko sja..sia sanggup ba kalah..apa hadiah ni kenen kalu sia punya ka..hehe..
kuai..kalu tu cigu mara ko inda mara dia balik ka..mesti ko cakap..bukan buku ko juga bilang..hehe..jg tepi kain orang betul bilang..hehe..
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