Whilst I was responding to Ms.Kuai question and advice, I thought I should share this.... sometimes I wonder if this would eventually affect my body or would it be any benefit..what say you..
wah.. kalo telampau 100plus pun inda ngam 2.. mau ada plain water juga.. utk buah pinggang.. normal advice ja bha wel..
I've been drinking drinks that have at least some flavour or taste in it..be the flavour of.. sweet and sour..ha.ha...bitter sweet..(macam tapai pula tau yg ni)..sour and spicy....what so ever...I'd go for it.. it all started since 3 years ago..back in 2005..It doesn't mean that I can't drink "air boning"(ni istilah urang ranau ni kan)..or sky-juice..its just that I can't enjoy these tasteless drink anymore.... How it all started... in 2005, there was a time Penang was badly hit by the drought season..drought mean really kering la..the main water damn in Penang..located in Balik Pulau..was almost dry..hot sunny day almost all day long and limited rain drops to refill the damn...since the water level was going lower and lower...the cleanliness and purity of water supplied to my house became deteriorated..it smells so bad and brownish......you know when you tap a water from a dried well kan..all you can get is muddy water..not to mention its smell..I've lived hard enough when I was a child...I knew all the pain in the ars etc..I've never complaint though..I did probably but that's inevitable sometimes..that was how my beloved mother taught me about life..."what can you get if you complaint..cry or...sad..." she taught us to be brave..fear no evil..and I've lived with the same philosophy since then..
Due to the water problem we had..I opted to buy drinks from shop..Ice-milo..ice-tea..etc..because of the hardship I had to endure to go buy a drink at nearby coffee shop....I started buying..cordial drink..syrups..or more accurately any savoury drink....yang dalam butul mau campur air ba...since then I've tasted and drank many kind of flavour as well as brand ..if you ask, I perhaps able to recommend some good cordial drink..Ribenna tastes good..(publisity pula..) To cut the story short...we're now in 2008...I can count how much water I've drank in a month..not the exact amount but of course roughly less than 2 liters of plain water..how many glasses can you get from that amount..I don't know..I do know that I can drink mineral water without hesitation and without bad face expression..in our office we have a purified water..9 liters a gallon..and sometimes I do actually buy mineral water if I need to but very little..10 bottle a year? Sounds overrated to you but that's a fact..
With the facility I have around me..the Tesco hyper market..I'd usually go there and buy a big bottle of cordial drink (1 liter) I keep on sampling and testing other brand or flavour whenever I go buy for another supply..(am not going to buy the same as I had previously)...this is just another way of me changing the mood..If I don't like it..it will be made as public properties.....anybody can enjoy and have it freely...recently I've just bought a liter of orange cordial..
Back to my main issue earlier...am I an addict? would I be healthy after 10 years of doing so? Frankly speaking, I do worry if this habit would affects my kidney (kencing manis) but I've been maintaining the sweetness of drink I'd drink day and day as I began to realise this has no end..and I can't seem to find a solution to this habit... so far I've had no health issue..no major illnesses or operation made in history..I might have one but I can't find any that so obvious..I watch the TV series of House..everytime Dr. Gregory House debates his theory of patient and sickness, it helps me to evaluate my own health ...So..what say you? Is this an addiction or just a satisfaction issue?
Bukan jg addict baitu... memenuhi permintaan badan saja.. sa pun susaaahhh mo minum plain water.. sometimes only...
betul ba..ada pula org mcm sia ni jg..ko ada gaduh sma durg ka...adeh..apa la salah tu air..mesti ada sejarah kamu ni kan..hehe..
ko bili la ribenna..sedap..kalu sejuk la..apa lg kalu yg ada ais batu.hehe..mcm rasa d kedai kunun tp buat sendiri.haha..
hemm.. inda juga bah kena tangkap pulis kalo inda minim plain water..:)
mungkin bukan addict tapi kebiasaan sudah..dulu pun sa inda berapa minum plain water.. kalo tulis d biodata, minuman kegemaran cola, urin, sirap strawberry, sarsi dan apa yang manis la.. :P
but since for some reason, sa tukar tu kebiasaan palan2.. sa belajar minum plain water for this reason.. Health & Beauty.. :) bukan mau akun cantik! tapi cantik then before hilang tu kebiasaan la.. I ll explain more in my blog..:P thanks wel for the idea..hahaha (susah bah mau cari idea memblog ni.. ^^)
so, for advice.. belajar la minum plain water palan2.. Spritzer is the best or any kind of Air Semulajadi la.. sa inda berapa advice RO (suling).. bukan inda bagus, tapi RO talampau TAPIS sampai zat2 dia pun tertapis.. jadi hilang la fungsi air.. My boss said, even not good for kusai.. :D
badan perlu plain water utk cuci tu dlm badan.. kalo tu kancing talampau KUNING.. hehehe..
kalu macam tu sia pun mau minum mineral la ni supaya jadi ensem..buli ka kuai..aha...
bikin cantik/ensem ka pula minum air mineral..wah...petua kecantikan ni tau..terima kasi la..
kalo dalam badan cantik (sihat), luar pun turut cantik.. sebab sihat n segar ;).. ada karisma urg bilang..
selamat mencuba wel.. good luck!..^^
butul ba ni kuai..jadi org yg minum byk air mineral tu..dalam dia santik..luar pun santik...last2 karisma pun betambah ka ni...
buli pakai ka ni teori ni kaui..nanti sia beli 1 gelen air minum tiap2 hari kalu teda karisma..kembung sja perut pula sia dapat..hehe..
kalo teda juga tu karisma.. ko p jumpa ja c karisma Kapoor palakun hindi tu.. misti ada karisma turuss.. :D
sy dengar ada urang p mandi sana damn masa drought tu.....patut la sedap ja rasa tu air....keke...
i will call that addiction....i was once addicted to coke....that was during my campus life......but ever since knowing of its contents and ever since i become a health conscious.....i'm now sticking to plain water as much as i can....
or else i'll go for the original juices (minus the sugar)at the shops instead of bi carbonated drinks or the processed one.....
tp slalu jgk ni teh tarik satu kedai mamak....hehe...mau kana kasi kurang tu sda....
klu mau kasi sadap itu plain water....add few pieces of lemon....sadap tu klu sejuk2....aiks...minum ais pun no good....aiyaa
RO is good for detoxification but not for long term consumption nnt cair tu darah and 'cecair2' lain dlm badan....haha...macam one week in every three months boleh minum....depends on your body jgk.....clean blood will result in beautiful and shining skin kenen....macam sy bah cth terdekat...muahahaha....men2 ja ba....
aiseh..my sweetie sempat lg publicity diri..hehe..shet..I think am going to get sick again..
anyway..my first and always fav drink is fruit juice..especially apple..I have my own juice maker back in sabah...
betul ba sweetie...ada org mandi.ngam jg la sia inda minum suda tu air..haha..anyway..my plain water issue is not hypocritical..where ever I go..I would not drink plain water..exception mineral water bought from shop or at somebody's house..if friends house i'd willingly buy a drink prior my visit.
I think its not really that dangerous as long as the sugar amount is controlled...but i've read some news about drink carbonate drink in a local newspaper..can't remember when..the guy drank carbonate drink instead of having his lunch...note: I do this sometimes by asking my colleague to buy a coke for me...thought he can save time to finish his work or waste money on fuel for his car..after been doing that less than a year..he was diagnosed with temporary blindness..thankfully he seek doc advise when it was still in its early stage..or else..it becomes permanent blindness..due to carbonate drink..
sweetie..ko bilang sia addict..I may but its how my body function nowadays...
welcome to my world! me for one also don't drink water. keke. like u said it's tasteless. kalo sya always with my coffee. if i filled up my bottle with water, it will stay there for the next 2days! teruk kan.
AAanyways, i think u should try to drink water more. i only begin to realize this few months back.i think my inner body can't function that well already. maklumla tua suda ba. so now, i will try my hardest to drink at least 1litter of water. balance 1 cup of coffee with water. at least my migraine pun kurangla.
so go ahead try it out! :)
hi vera..aha..since when u can't drink plain water wei...aha..anyway..i think it is one of a reason why i seldom getting a headache nowadays..sometimes like migraine but its not...
now..I started to feel my eyes being shut off...since I last week...when I just recovered from that long sick week..
well..i think i should try..i drink air kelapa and air tebu ba everyweek..hehe.. i wonder...
ya la, sya pun baru sihat =( teda suara ba langsung! sya rasa sya akan mati sbb penyakit la ni.
yala, flo & i memang don't like water! ba, remember-1 cup of water for each type of water u drink.
alala..pembetulan pula..not my eyes tp ears..hehe...
si flo pun ada penyakit jg ka...mcm normal sja dia tu..haha..
minum air..walawei..inda buli la vera..but kalau dalam ofis sja buli..dulu ada fridge d ofis mimang susa la..lepas rusak...minum air besa sja la..hehe..kalu rajin buat kupi..hehe..
teda suara..wah.tula ko kuat teriak..haha..
try minum plain water k wel.. nah tuuuu na banyak the very good adviser uda... :)
org bilang kalu ada advice tp bdn inda mau terima jg susa tu tau..tp mungkin ok jg kalu sia start beli 1 cartoon mineral kan..tinguk mcm mana..nanti sia jadi ensem susa pula kuai..ko pecaya sia inda curang ka ni..haha..inda ba..
anyway..thanks kuai..penyayang betul ko kan..seh...cute ba ko punya lesung pipit..haha..burung pipit betina ka tu..hehe..
hehe.. kalo ko curang, sa pun curang la.. hahaha.. JK
nanti sa jual tu burung pipit bertina k..
bukan juga penyayang (jajal moti ni), nga setakat apa yang mampu mau dikongsi tu.. itu laitu..
kalo ko jual tu burung pipit..sepa la kasi kawan burung pipit sia..ahaha...
jajal jajal penyayang la ba kunun ko ni kan kuai2..haha..siok tu tau..aha..buring la kalu sentimental sja kan...mesti ada jajal2 juga..sesama bekungsi la ba kita ni...huhu..
aik? ko puna da burung pipit? hahaha.. bahaya bah tu burung pipit tu wel.. pandai curi padi..
kungsi2 apa ni wel? kalo makanan susah sa mau kungsi oo.. haha
aha...bekungsi?sia pun inda ingat o kuai..aha...kungsi kehidupan ba tu....burung pipit sia jinak.aha..inda curi padi..tanam padi ada la..ahaha..
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